W3-6 Exotic Matter II (DNP) / Matière exotique II (DPN)
- Baishan Hu (TRIUMF)
We present the first laser cooling of antimatter, and results of precision spectroscopy performed with laser-cooled antihydrogen atoms. The ALPHA collaboration at CERN is engaged in precision testing fundamental symmetries between matter and antimatter using antihydrogen. Recently, we have made advances in the production, collection, storage, and laser addressing of antihydrogen. These efforts...
Over the last decade, The ALPHA experiment at CERN produced a series of ground-breaking results, having demonstrated the first ever trapping and laser cooling of antihydrogen atoms, and precisely measured many of their physical properties, including the 1s-2s transition and hyperfine splitting. A new ALPHA-g apparatus is being built to precisely measure the gravitational mass of antihydrogen....
Observables in the hard exclusive leptoproduction of real photons can be cleanly expressed in terms of the compton amplitudes involving generalized parton distributions (GPDs). This process can be factorized into the product of a short-distance partonic subprocess with a long-distance, off forward hadronic matrix element. They involve nonlocal quark and gluon operators and are naturally...
The Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus (ALPHA), at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) antiproton decelerator facility, uses low energy antiprotons in a bound state with a positron to produce and trap antihydrogen [1]. Given the long history of atomic physics experiments with hydrogen, spectroscopy experiments with antihydrogen offer some of the most precise tests of quantum...