R4-2 Quantum Information: Theory (DTP) / Information quantique: théorie (DPT)
- Barry Sanders (University of Calgary)
Polarimetry is a wildly-used measurement technique for inferring properties of a sample by observation of the changes in the polarization of the light transmitted or reflected by the sample. One of the impediments to wider use of the technique, especially in bio-medical applications such in-vivo biopsy, is that it can require very high laser intensities, leading to collateral tissue damage. ...
In this talk, we show that any non-constant quantity defined on density matrices that is additive on tensor products and invariant under permutations cannot be "more than asymptotically continuous."The proof is a direct consequence of generalizing a protocol for embezzling entanglement. Joint work with Andrea Coladangelo.
Bell nonlocality describes a manifestation of quantum mechanics that cannot be explained by any local hidden variable model. Its origin lies in the nature of quantum entanglement, although understanding the precise relationship between nonlocality and entanglement has been a notorious open problem. In this talk, I will describe a resolution to this problem by developing a dynamical framework...
The quantum vacuum has long been known to be characterized by field correlations between spacetime points. These correlations can be swapped with a pair of particle detectors, modelled as simple two-level quantum systems (Unruh-DeWitt detectors) via a process known as entanglement harvesting. We study this phenomenon in the presence of a rotating BTZ black hole, and find that rotation can...
We carry out the first investigation of the entanglement and mutual information harvesting protocols for detectors moving on freely falling trajectories that cross the horizon of a black hole. We consider two pointlike Unruh-DeWitt detectors in different combinations of free-falling and static trajectories in (1+1)-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole spacetime and compare the results. We...
Quantum field theory is completely characterized by the field correlations between spacetime points. In turn, some of these can be accessed by locally coupling to the field simple quantum systems, a.k.a. particle detectors. In this work, we consider what happens when a quantum- controlled superposition of detectors at different space-time points is used to probe the correlations of the field....