TS-7 Sensors and Metrology Symposium (NRC) / Symposium sur les capteurs et la métrologie (CNRC)
- Peter Mason (National Research Council of Canada)
This keynote will provide a high-level overview of the current state-of-the-art in quantum technologies and their applications to sensing, imaging and metrology. I will start with a brief historical view about how National Metrology Laboratories like NIST and NRC-Canada have used these technologies for years. I will then transition to some near-term commercial applications before returning...
Single-photon detectors are being increasingly implemented in a variety of applications ranging from quantum information science to spectroscopy and remote sensing. These measurement techniques rely on the accurate detection of single photons at specific wavelengths. National metrology institutes worldwide, including the National Research Council Canada, have been developing characterization...
Mechanical systems represent a fundamental building block in many areas of science and technology, from atomic-scale force sensing to quantum information transduction to kilometer-scale detection of infinitesimal spacetime distortions. All such applications benefit from improved readout sensitivity, and many seek new types of mechanical actuation. In this talk I will discuss our efforts to...
After 3 decades of preparation, tools and procedures for reproducible fabrication of atom-perfect silicon structures have matured to a point where it has now become possible to build proto-devices while also planning viable atom-scale manufacturing. In the beginning, device complexity and production rates will be low while manufacturing costs are high, challenges that must be offset by the...
Entanglement is the essential resource that defines this new paradigm of quantum-enabled devices. Here I confirm the long-standing prediction that a parametrically driven mechanical oscillator can entangle electromagnetic fields. We observe stationary emission of path-entangled microwave radiation from a micro-machined silicon nanostring oscillator, squeezing the joint field operators of two...
The DND/CAF is faced with a rapidly evolving defence, safety, and security environment with the emergence of disruptive technologies such as quantum. It is expected that some disruptive technologies, quantum in particular, will have an impact in less than 5 years. Quantum-enabled technologies will have applicability across a wide array of defence applications, such as in sensing (including...
The National Research Council is launching The Internet of Things: Quantum Sensors Challenge Program in 2021. This program has seven years of funding and aims to develop a disruptive generation of quantum sensors that are orders of magnitude better than sensors that exist today. The program is structured to encourage collaborative research projects between the NRC and researchers in...
The diamond Nitrogen-Vacancy centre (NV-centre) is a defect which occurs in natural diamonds, and can also be introduced artificially. Due to screening effects, the NV-centre defect exhibits remarkably long spin coherence times. This means the diamond NV centre can be used for precision magnetometry, using Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR) of the Zeeman splitting. This talk will...
We present a novel quantum multi-mode time bin interferometer that is suitable for a wide range of optical signals and capable of being used for free space quantum channels. Our design uses only reflective optics with curved mirrors providing the one-to-one imaging system necessary for a multi-mode interferometer. The curved mirrors are ideal since, unlike lenses, their focal length depends...
Single acceptor dopants in Si along with dangling bonds are enabling technologies for atomic scale charge and spin-based devices.[1] Additionally, recent advances in hydrogen lithography have enabled the patterning of quantum dot based circuit elements with atomic precision.[2] We engineered a single acceptor coupled to a dangling bond wire on highly doped p-type H-Si(100) and characterized...
Quantum dots embedded in photonic nanowires are highly efficient single photon generators. Integrating such sources on-chip offers enhanced stability and miniaturization; both of which are important in many applications involving quantum information processing. We demonstrate the efficient coupling of quantum light generated in a III-V photonic nanowire to a silicon-based photonic integrated...
Optically active defects in solids---colour centres---are one of the most promising platforms for implementing quantum technologies. Their spin degrees of freedom serve as quantum memories that in some cases can operate at room temperature. Their control can be achieved with microwave spin control and resonant optical excitation but is hindered by the broadening of optical transitions from...
Among solid state quantum emitter systems, semiconductor quantum dots are particularly attractive due to their high radiative quantum efficiencies [1], their strong optical coupling enabling fast [2] and arbitrary [3] qubit rotations, and their tunable emission in the range of standard telecommunication wavelengths. For applications such as quantum light sources and quantum nodes, it is...
In addition to being extremely sensitive sensors, nitrogen vacancies (NV) centers in diamond are an ideal showcase of quantum technologies as they work in ambient conditions. Experiments with NV centers usually involve a bulky optical system, together with a wide assortment of signal generators and samplers, which is challenging to synchronize together. Here, we perform quantum control...
SBQuantum are building a Magnetic Intelligence Platform to extract additional information from magnetic fields. The platform uses nitrogen-vacancy diamond sensors to unlock the tensor information from the magnetic field before interpreting this data through a suite of proprietary algorithms for the detection and classification of magnetic anomalies. This presentation will dive through the...
Ultra-weak light, known as biophotons, are emitted spontaneously by living organisms, but the origin, wavelength and the underlying mechanisms have not yet been clearly identified; although energy metabolic processes seem to be involved. Moreover, neurons can emit photons and there is strong experimental and theoretical evidence that myelinated axons can serve as photonic waveguides. Thus, it...
Quantum confinement and manipulation of charge carriers are critical for achieving devices practical for various quantum technologies such as quantum sensing. Atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have attractive properties such as spin-valley locking, large spin-orbit coupling and high confinement energies which provide a promising platform for novel quantum technologies....
In microscopy, the imaging of light-sensitive materials has been a persistent problem, as the sample being studied may be altered or damaged by the illumination itself. Naturally, to overcome over-illuminating the sample, one can reduce the intensity of the classical light source; however, reducing the source intensity comes with a trade-off which affects noise and image quality. In recent...
Non-classical light sources are an important tool for many quantum information processing applications such as quantum key distribution and linear optical quantum computing. Sources based on semiconductor quantum dots offer close to ideal performance in terms of efficiency and single photon purity. However, emission rates are limited by the radiative lifetime of the excitonic complexes. This...