M2-1 Interaction between matter and light (DAMOPC) / Interaction entre matière et lumière (DPAMPC)
- Duncan O'Dell (McMaster University)
If one wishes to understand and successfully simulate the radiation damage of biological tissue one needs to understand the fundamental ionization processes of molecules in the gas or vapour
phase first. The latter problem has been addressed in a number of studies in recent years, but experimental data have remained scarce and accurate cross-section predictions based on first-principles...
An exciting frontier in quantum information science is the creation and manipulation of quantum systems that are built and controlled quanta by quanta. In this context, there is active research worldwide to achieve strong and coherent coupling between light and matter as the building block of complex quantum systems. Despite the range of physical behaviours accessible by these QED systems, the...
The study of plasmonics has the potential to reshape the physics of light-matter interactions in metallic nanohybrids and their applications to nanotechnology. Metallic nanohybrids are mode metallic nanoparticles and quantum emitters such as quantum dots. Recently, there is a considerable interest to study the light-matter interaction in the nanoscale size plasmonic nanohybrids. When an...
Spontaneous two-photon decay rates for the $1s2s\;^1S_0$ -- $1s^2\;^1S_0$ transition in helium and its isoelectronic sequence up to $Z$ = 10 are calculated, including the effects of finite nuclear mass. We use correlated variational wave functions in Hylleraas coordinates and pseudostate summations for intermediate states. The accuracy of previous work is improved by several orders of...
Resonant laser ionization spectroscopy uses multiple lasers to step-wise excite atom, therefore is a powerful tool for the study of high energy atomic structures, such as Rydberg states and autoionizing states. At the laser ion source test stand (LIS-stand) in TRIUMF, resonant laser ionization spectroscopy is used to study complex atoms. The spectroscopy results not only provide efficient...
The $^{137}\mathrm{Ba}^+$ ion is a promising candidate for high-fidelity quantum computing. We generate barium atoms using laser ablation of a $\mathrm{BaCl}_2$ target. The flux of neutral atoms generated by ablation is then ionized near our ion trap-center, giving us trapped ions which we can then use for quantum computing. Laser ablation loading can be used to trap ions more quickly and with...