6–11 Jun 2021
Underline Conference System
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Reaction-diffusion modeling of neurotransmitter processing at a high frequency synapse

8 Jun 2021, 16:45
Underline Conference System

Underline Conference System

Oral (Non-Student) / Orale (non-étudiant(e)) Symposia Day (DPMB) - Impactful advances in biological and medical physics TS-6-3 Biosensory Physics (DPMB Symposium) / Physique des biocapteurs (Symposium DPMB)


Bela Joos (University of Ottawa)


In the weakly electric fish Eigenmannia (glass knifefish), high frequency (200-600Hz) electric organ discharge (EOD) is driven by high frequency cholinergic synaptic input onto the electrocytes at their electroplaques. Assuming periodic release of ACh into the cylindrical synaptic gap, we solve numerically a one dimensional reaction-diffusion model at 200Hz and 500Hz. The model included the diffusion of ACh and its interactions with AChesterase (AChE) in the gap and with AChRs at the post synaptic membrane. At 500Hz a higher AChE/ACh ratio is needed to remove ACh from the cleft between consecutive ACh releases. Only a small fraction of the ACh molecules reaches the AChRs, and there are residual amounts of ACh molecules from the preceding release. Previous computational studies showed that the persistently present ACh should not impede high frequency electrocyte firing, provided the cholinergic current is subthreshold for triggering firing. Our results suggest that the cholinergic current from the carry-over (persistent) activation of AChRs exceeding the firing threshold sets the upper limit for EOD frequency in Eigenmannia individuals, which is observed around 600Hz.


Ms Elham Alkhammash (University of Ottawa) Prof. Ivan L'Heureux (University of Ottawa) Dr Catherine E Morris (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute) Bela Joos (University of Ottawa)

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