6–11 Jun 2021
Underline Conference System
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POS-G74 -- Observation of Magnon-Photon Coupling in a THz Scanning Fabry-Pérot Cavity

9 Jun 2021, 14:19
Underline Conference System

Underline Conference System

Poster not-in-competition (Graduate Student) / Affiche non-compétitive (Étudiant(e) du 2e ou 3e cycle) Magnetic North/Magnétisme Nord W-POS-G #57-74 Poster session (Mag.North) / Session d'affiches (Nord mag.)


Aimé Braconnier (University of Manitoba)


Hybridization of disparate physical systems is a key area of research in harnessing quantum technologies. Exploiting hybridized states can mitigate perturbative effects of reading out quantum states or even enable new devices based on new material properties associated with hybrid quasiparticle excitations. In the area of magnetism a particularly prominent area of progress is the exploration of magnon-photon hybridization in electromagnetic cavities which results in the emergence of a cavity magnon-polariton (CMP) [1]. Extensive work has been performed examining CMPs in microwave systems but little work has explored coupling with THz light. THz frequency magnon modes are prevalent in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic materials which themselves offer promising platforms for magnonic and spintronic technologies. In this experiment, we explore the coupling of THz light to electromagnons in multiferroic Bisthmuth Orthoferrite (BiFeO3) by suspending BiFeO3 powder on nearly THz transparent sample holders in a scanning Fabry-Pérot cavity. Characteristic splitting of the cavity modes is observed when the cavity modes are tuned to be coincident with the electro-magnons suggesting a THz scale CMP has been observed and pointing towards a new avenue to develop THz spintronic technologies.

[1] H. Huebl et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 127003


Aimé Braconnier (University of Manitoba)


Akif Ahmed (University of Manitoba) Josh Gibbs (University of Manitoba) Nils Refvik (Univeristy of Alberta) Sangeev Selvaratnam (University of Manitoba) Marcin Bialek (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Jean-Phillipe Ansermet (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Can-Ming Hu (University of Manitoba) Jacob Burgess (University of Manitoba)

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