6–11 Jun 2021
Underline Conference System
America/Toronto timezone
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The Development of Astroparticle Educational Resources for High Schools

9 Jun 2021, 16:15
Underline Conference System

Underline Conference System

Oral not-in-competition (Graduate Student) / Orale non-compétitive (Étudiant(e) du 2e ou 3e cycle) Physics Education / Enseignement de la physique (DPE-DEP) W3-3 High School Physics (DPE) / Physique du secondaire (DEP)


Ian Doktor (University of Alberta) Marie-Cécile Piro (University of Alberta)


High School physics programs across the country all include outcomes related to subatomic particles and their interactions with matter and fields. Despite this, many high school teachers have received little training in particle physics and are often unaware of the contributions Canadian Physicists are making in this area. To help bridge the gap between university research and high school physics education we are developing citizen science projects, classroom resources and professional development opportunities that will highlight current and past particle physics research in ways that support curricular integration. These resources will/are being developed in collaboration with McDonald Institute researchers and will incorporate real world data, research questions and procedures.

Classroom resources will include links to curriculum and possible assessment ideas as well as teacher guides. Important topics of discussion will be how to present astroparticle data to students, teacher training and ways to connect current Canadian research to curriculum.


Ian Doktor (University of Alberta) Marie-Cécile Piro (University of Alberta)

Presentation materials

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