6–11 Jun 2021
Underline Conference System
America/Toronto timezone
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Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Source at TRIUMF

7 Jun 2021, 13:20
Underline Conference System

Underline Conference System

Oral (Non-Student) / Orale (non-étudiant(e)) Nuclear Physics / Physique nucléaire (DNP-DPN) M2-5 Superheavies and Instrumentation (DNP) / Superlourds et Instrumentation (DPN)


Dr Jens Lassen (TRIUMF)


Resonant laser ionization of atoms provides an efficient and selective means for ion source operation. It uses stepwise resonant excitation of an atom's valence electron into energetically Rydberg states or auto-ionizing levels. A resonant ionization laser ion source RILIS is particularly suited to provide beams of rare isotopes at radioactive isotope facilities like ISAC at TRIUMF.
The operational principle, current developments, application and science with TRIUMF's RILIS will be discussed.


Dr Jens Lassen (TRIUMF)


Dr Ruohong Li (TRIUMF)

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