The diamond NV-centre is emerging as a candidate for high precision magnetic field
measurement. NV centres in diamond can be introduced in various ways. One
method is to dope the diamond film during the Microwave Plasma CVD growth
process. Production of thin diamond films doped with NV- centres has the potential
to be a key enabling technology for this advanced magnetic field sensing method. In
this talk, recent results on the growth of N-doped thin diamond films using
Microwave Plasma CVD will be presented [1,2].
[1] H.A. Ejalonibu, M.P. Bradley, G. Sarty “The effect of step-wise surface nitrogen
doping in MPECVD grown polycrystalline diamonds”, Materials Science and
Engineering: B 258, 114559 (2020)
[2] H.A. Ejalonibu, G.E. Sarty, and M.P. Bradley, “Optimal parameter(s) for the
synthesis of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in polycrystalline diamonds at low
pressure”, J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 30, 10369-10382 (2019).