Reiner Kruecken
TRIUMF, Canada’s national laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, has made substantial progress towards the construction of the Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL), which is its flagship project towards advancing isotopes for science and medicine. ARIEL will ultimately triple the current rare isotope beam capability, facilitating many more experiments in material science, nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental symmetry tests as well as enable development of new isotopes for nuclear medicine. Rare isotope beams from the photo-production with the new electron linear accelerator (e-linac) and from the proton induced spallation and fission employing a new proton beam line from TRIUMF's 500 MeV cyclotron will make use of the existing world-class experiments of TRIUMF's ISAC facility. This talk will give an overview on the progress of the ARIEL project and describe the plans for completing the project in five phases, each enabling new science capabilities.
Reiner Kruecken