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XLZD@Boulby Open Community Meeting
XLZD is a consortium of three collaborations (XENON, LUX-ZEPLIN and DARWIN) searching for dark matter scattering and other rare interactions using liquid xenon detectors deployed in laboratories deep underground. Our direct detection experiments have led the search for galactic dark matter for over a decade, most recently through LZ and Xenon-nT. XLZD proposes to develop the definitive discovery experiment for electroweak particle dark matter, with discovery potential down to the so-called 'neutrino fog'. Instrumenting 60-80 tonnes of liquid xenon with a diverse portfolio of interesting isotopes, such a "rare event observatory" offers other exciting physics too, including in neutrino and nuclear physics [Aalbers 2023].
XLZD@Boulby aims to attract this exciting experiment to the UK, enabling a transformative expansion of the UK’s science capability. In addition, the project entails major investment in world-class infrastructure and skills; this is a unique opportunity for the UK.
This all-day community meeting will explore and develop our programme to host the experiment, and continue to engage the UK scientific community. We will cover both the scientific capability of XLZD and the shape of the international and UK programmes. We invite those who have already expressed an interest to join this effort and new collaborators alike, and encourage in particular early career researchers to become involved.
The 4th July meeting will be held in person at Imperial and on Zoom, from 10am to 6pm; please register by 26th June (if attending in person) or by the meeting date if participating online (a zoom link will be visible once you register).
Imperial is easily accessible by public transport (see this link for how to get here); driving is strongly discouraged as there is virtually no parking on campus (but please do contact us if you have an accessibility barrier). There is accommodation information in this link if you need.
Dinner has been booked for those who registered before 30 June.
Below is a link to a 4-question survey that will help us understand the expertise and strength of the community and how this maps onto areas of XLZD@Boulby that need development. Please fill this out, it only takes a minute!