17–21 Apr 2023
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Europe/London timezone

The discreet charm of the discrete series in dS$_2$

18 Apr 2023, 11:30
MR2 (Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics)


Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Wilberforce Rd, Cambridge CB3 0WA


Tarek Anous (Queen Mary University of London)


Unitarity in de Sitter is mired with potential pitfalls. One of them is that massive particles are represented by (so-called principal series) states with complex conformal dimensions. Even more confusing is that states with positive conformal dimensions and a bounded spectrum, known as the discrete series, are, at the free-field level, represented as scalar tachyons with a finely tuned mass, suggesting that these states mediate some sort of instability. Perhaps this suggests that no consistent field theory can be built with these particle representations. In dS$_2$, however, this can not be the case, as discrete series states arise in the multiparticle spectrum of principal series matter. In this talk I will review some established facts about the discrete series in de Sitter and its quantization. I will then consider models with a particular type of gauge symmetry, where the discrete series makes an appearance in the pre-Hilbert space, but vanishes once the gauge constraints are imposed. Finally I will discuss how this construction can be extended to the case where gravity is dynamical .


Tarek Anous (Queen Mary University of London)

Presentation materials