The school will be held between Monday 9th – Friday 13th January 2023, Robinson College, University of Cambridge.
All lectures, tutorials, meals (except the formal dinner) and accommodation will be held at Robinson College. The college facilities are modern and accessible, and it is directly on the Universal bus route from the train station (£1.50 for a student ticket, contactless or cash payment). It is a 10 minute walk to the city centre and less than 5 minute walk to the river along the 'backs'.
For maps please visit the college website:
All rooms are single and en-suite. with breakfast included.
The pre-booked accommodation is for check-in on Monday 9th (from 1pm) and check-out Friday 13th January (by 9.30am). Please indicate on registration if you would like us to enquire about additional nights' accommodation (any additional nights will need to be paid for separately by the participant). Luggage storage will be available in one of the breakout rooms on arrival and departure days.
See the college website for more details (we have booked the standard plus rooms):
Lunches are included for all participants, and will be served in the cafeteria. Refreshments will be available during the breaks.
Evening meals will be served in the college cafeteria. Please confirm during registration if you would like to sign up for these.
Please indicate dietary requirements and allergies at registration.
Lecture theatre and teaching rooms
We will have a large lecture theatre and foyer area for lectures, breaks and the poster session. We will also have several smaller meeting rooms for tutorials and discussions.
We also have access to common room areas for discussions during the day and evening.
For more information including accessibility please see the college website:
Getting to Cambridge
Cambridge is very well connected on the rail network and we recommend travelling by train. There are buses several times an hour during the day, and approximately once an hour between 7 and 10pm running between the train station and West Cambridge via Robinson College.
Unfortunately parking will not be available at the college. Parking in the city is limited so we recommend using the Park and Ride service if you are travelling to Cambridge by car. Park and ride buses travel into the city centre
Further details on the Park and Ride are here:
There are several taxi companies registered in Cambridge, and taxi ranks at the station and St Andrew's Street. Panther taxis are reliable and have a useful mobile app.