Geneva Resonant State Workshop

Astrotech - Jura & Lac rooms (Geneva Observatory)

Astrotech - Jura & Lac rooms

Geneva Observatory


Geneva Resonant State Workshop

This workshop will bring together observers and theoreticians with the aim of studying the architecture of resonant systems to better understanding the processes that occur during the formation and evolution of planetary systems.


The observed architecture of planetary systems is the outcome of their formation and evolution over hundreds of million to billions of years. Multiple physical processes are expected to shape these architectures, such as interactions with the protoplanetary disc, with the star, between planets, with debris discs, etc. Amongst the possible orbital configurations, mean motion resonances are of particular interest: they are a natural byproduct of the migration of planets, and their observed state encodes information about the formation of the system. In addition, by studying transit timing variations, the strong planet-planet interactions that occur in the vicinity of these resonances enable an in-depth characterisation of their resonant state. 

However, when trying to disentangle the history of these systems we face two challenges : first, different physical processes can have a similar effect on the architecture of systems, and second, our knowledge of the architecture is partial because of the biases inherent to each observation technique, as well as their precision and finite observational baselines. On the other hand, the growing number of characterised systems enable a population-level study of their architecture, in which trends start to emerge. This workshop aims at outlining the state of the art in our capacity to accurately determine the architecture of resonant systems, and to leverage this knowledge to better understand the processes that occur during the formation and evolution of planetary systems. 


Organizers : Adrien Leleu, Rosemary Mardling, Jeremy Couturier, Marylyn Rosenqvist, Yannick Eyholzer, Judith Korth, Jean-Baptiste Delisle, Stéphane Udry and Damien Ségransan

Activity Coordinators : Max Goldberg and Sam Hadden

Participants :  Alexandre Correia, Andre Izidoro, Anne-Sophie Libert, Antoine Petit, Aya Alnajjarine, Bethlee Lindor, Christoph Mordasini, Cristian Beauge, Dan Fabrycky, Dan Tamayo, Daniel Yahalomi, Darin Ragozzine, David Nesvorny, Eric Agol, Fei Dai, Gabriele Pichierri, Jacques Laskar, Jose Almenara, Judith Korth, Kento Masuda, Konstantin Batygin, Krzysztof Goździewski, Mariah MacDonald, Max Goldberg, Mutian Wang, Philippe Robutel, Remo Burn, Romain Eltschinger, Sam Hadden, Sara Marques, Sarah Millholland, Sareh Ataiee and Yann Alibert

Reaching the observatory 

The Geneva Observatory is located at Chemin de Pegasi, 51b; 1290 Versoix, Switzerland and the workshop will be held in the "Astrotech - Jura & Lac" rooms.

It can be reached by public transport using trains (CCF) to Versoix or Coppet and then Buses from either places.
TPG 55 : bus stop « Observatoire » from Versoix-Gare
TPN 813 bus stop « Chavannes-des-Bois » from Coppet-Gare



June is the congress period so don't wait to book your room as it will fill up quickly

There are plenty of hotels in Geneva, especially close to the Cornavin train station. Hotel Suisse next to Cornavin train station in Geneva offers special prices for Geneva Observatory visitors, contact the organizers if you want to book there.

Alternatively, there are several hotels in Versoix, which is more convenient since there is a direct bus to the observatory: Lake Geneva hotel (contact the organizers to get the university discount), Hotel les balances and Auberge du Lion d'Or. 


The workshop is free as it is funded by Swiss National Science Foundation (grant number TMSGI2_211697), and the Departement of Astronomy of the University of Geneva provides the rooms. However, to cover the prices of lunches at the observatory and the event dinner, we will ask you for a contribution.

link to the payment to come

Programme (preliminary)

Workshop material

The data shared for this workshop is stored on the DACE platform.

links to notebooks to come

links to slides to come



The workshop is funded by Swiss National Science Foundation - grant number TMSGI2_211697

Adrien Leleu
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