Measurements of jet substructure observables in heavy-ion collisions can constrain how energetic partons interact with the medium. Though there has been remarkable progress in particle-species-inclusive jet substructure measurements, a complete understanding of the identified particle composition of the jet and its modification in heavy-ion collisions remains elusive. Jet quenching models predict that the jet hadrochemical composition may be modified in heavy-ion collisions due to jet-medium interactions and modified particle composition in the jet wake. Measurements of identified particles in jets can help discriminate between parton-QGP interaction mechanisms.
In this talk, we present the first measurements of $\pi$, K, and p ratios within jets and the underlying event as a function of particle transverse momentum in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV. Enabled by the excellent PID capabilities of ALICE, this study aims to understand soft particle production mechanisms and distinguish modified jet fragmentation from bulk effects.