Jul 1 – 5, 2024
Copán, Honduras
America/Guatemala timezone
Salida del bus desde Ciudad Universitaria/UNAH para Copán Ruinas: Domingo 30/06 a las 10:00 am. Llegar con una hora de antelación

The Conference on Physics, Astronomy, Climate Change, and Mathematics (CRISCA) is an in-person meeting scheduled to take place from July 1 to July 5, 2024, in Copan, Honduras.

The main purpose of CRISCA is to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange among the scientific community in the Northern Triangle region of Central America and to highlight ongoing research in the area.

This event consists of a one-week summer school for young undergraduate students in physics, mathematics and related fields, featuring dedicated classes on frontier topics in both disciplines. The school will be complemented by a conference featuring talks from International and national scientists and experts.

The topics covered during the meeting include:

  • Astrophysics
  • Climate Change
  • High-energy Physics
  • Instrumentation
  • Tropical Geometry
  • Dynamics
  • Cultural Astronomy

Ruinas de Copán, Honduras


Conference photo (For high definition, please download in the link below)


Copán, Honduras
The event will be held in Copán ruins - town, located in western Honduras, in the Depatment of Copán.
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