November 16, 2020 to December 4, 2020
America/Guatemala timezone
Event to be held completely online

The CAHEP2020 is first Central American meeting of High Energy Physics, Cosmology and High Energy Astrophysics, an online meeting, that will be held from November 16th to December 4th, 2020.

The first version of this meeting focuses on Instrumentation and Data Science, the goal is to gather scientists from the areas of particle physics, cosmology, astroparticles, astrophysics, nuclear physics and engineering to engage in conversations about advanced instrumentation and data analysis techniques currently used to address challenges in experimental and theoretical physics. 

The first part of the meeting aims to introduce the audience, students and researches, to machine learning techniques.

The second part is a workshop of High Energy Physics, Cosmology and High Energy Astrophysics: Instrumentation and Data Science, with four sessions:

  • Real-time analysis in experimental physics
  • Dark Matter and Beyond Standard Model Searches
  • High Energy Astrophysics
  • Central American research

and a virtual poster session for students and young researchers.

The last part of the meeting will be devoted to present and discuss the proposal for the creation of a Central American network as a mean to strengthen research groups and to improve the quality of the postgraduate programs.

Virtual Event