Pathway Fermilab and Brookhaven Summer School - BNL Neutrino Week

OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438 (BNL)

OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


Milind Vaman Diwan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))

The RENEW (Reaching New Energy Sciences Worksforce) initiative supports pathway summer schools for students from under-represented and underserved groups in STEM. 

This agenda is part of the Fermilab/Brookhaven Summer Exchange Program.  It will focus on neutrino science for 1 week.  

The students will perform a range of activities to enhance problem solving from the very basic to fairly advanced level with neutrino science as a focus.  The activities are organized to provide skills that enhance confidence in pursuing STEM.

    • 1
      Introductions and computing setup OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


    • 2
      Mathematica UNIT 1: Introduction OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Initial introduction to problem solving by computer.

      Speaker: Milind Vaman Diwan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
    • 3
      Mathematica UNIT 2: Basics OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Introduction to using Mathematica to solve problems.

      Speaker: Milind Vaman Diwan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
    • 12:00
      Lunch Bldg. 488

      Bldg. 488


      Berkner Hall
    • 4
      Mathematica UNIT 3: Mechanics OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Simple mechanics, astronomy, calculate the amount of matter in our galaxy.

      Speaker: Milind Vaman Diwan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
    • 5
      Tour: RHIC Control Room/Magnet Division Main Lobby - Bldg. 911

      Main Lobby - Bldg. 911


      Speaker: Travis Shrey (BNL)
    • 9
      Talk: Dark Matter and Snowball detector demonstration Bldg. 510 - Small Seminar Room

      Bldg. 510 - Small Seminar Room


      Physics Department - Small Seminar Room

      Students will follow an introductory talk on Dark Matter and a lab demonstration for the innovative "Snowball" detector concept.

      Speaker: Matthew Szydagis
    • 11:30
      Walk back to OEP/Lunch
    • 12:00
      Lunch Bldg. 488

      Bldg. 488


      Berkner Hall
    • 10
      Meet Interns in Nuclear/Particle Physics group OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Students will meet with Summer Interns that will share their experience in surviving college, studying STEM and landing an intership at BNL.

    • 11
      Tour: BLIP/Liquid Scintillator Lab Bldg. 555

      Bldg. 555


      Chemistry Department
    • 12
      Talk: Reactor Neutrinos OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Speakers: Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 13
      Meet STEM professionals OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Students will meet with STEM professionals working at BNL that will share their experience of being a scientist.

      Speakers: Mr Emanuel Chimanski (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, NAPC-Nuclear Data Section, International Atomic Energy Agency), Henry Lovelace III, Dr Ketevi Adikle Assamagan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Mickey Chiu
    • 14
      Talk: What is C14? OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Speaker: Mr Emanuel Chimanski (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, NAPC-Nuclear Data Section, International Atomic Energy Agency)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Bldg. 488

      Bldg. 488


      Berkner Hall
    • 15
      NNDC visit and exercises Bldg. 817

      Bldg. 817


    • 16
      Activities Review and Q&A OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Speakers: Dr Mateus F. Carneiro (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dr Mateus F. Carneiro (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 17
      Talk: Detector Technologies OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438

      OEP Auditorium - Bldg 438


      Speakers: Steven Linden (Boston University), Steven Linden
    • 18
      WbLS 1-ton Detector Experience: Intro and tour Bldg. 535

      Bldg. 535


      Instrumentation Division

      Visit to the 1-ton Water-based Liquid Scintillator (WbLS) detector in the Instrumentation Division.

      Speakers: Gannon Lawley, Guang Yang, Matteo Vicenzi (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
    • 12:00
      Lunch Bldg. 488

      Bldg. 488


      Berkner Hall
    • 19
      WbLS 1-ton Detector Experience: Data taking and analysis Bldg. 535

      Bldg. 535


      Instrumentation Division

      Students will be divided in 4 groups. Each group will take 15-20 minutes of data with the 1-ton WbLS detector and later analyze it.

      Speakers: Gannon Lawley, Guang Yang, Matteo Vicenzi (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))