Brazilian Center for Linear Collider Studies, Kick-off Meeting

In view of the construction of the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the potential physics scope available in e+e- collisions, we are starting a Brazilian initiative with a focus on the ILC physics named "Brazilian Center for Linear Collider studies" (BCLC).
To survey the physics interests among the Brazilian High-Energy community, we are organizing a 2-day online workshop to discuss possible research topics in the ILC, such as:
- Theoretical ideas to be investigated with the ILC data;
- Computing infrastructure for data processing, distribution, and analysis;
- Detector and collider instrumentation.
With this workshop, we want to trigger discussions to help us plan different proposals that the BCLC could contribute to the ILC working groups. 
BCLC Workshop Registration
  • Alfonso Zerwekh
  • Andre Nepomuceno
  • Andre Sznajder
  • Antonio Vilela Pereira
  • Carsten Hensel
  • Cesar Bernardes
  • Claude Vallee
  • Clemencia Mora Herrera
  • Cristiane Oliveira
  • Daniel Ernani Martins Neto
  • Diego Figueiredo
  • Dilson De Jesus Damiao
  • Fabio Lucio Lucio Alves
  • Gabriel Moreira Da Silva Campos
  • Gláuber Sampaio dos Santos
  • Guilherme Silva
  • Gustavo Gil Da Silveira
  • Helena Brandao Malbouisson
  • Hélio da Motta
  • Ignacio Bediaga
  • Irina Nasteva
  • Isabel Pedraza
  • Jenny List
  • Julia Ceddia
  • Larissa Mendes
  • lucas moriggi
  • M. Beatriz Gay Ducati
  • Magno Machado
  • Maria Cecilia Bazetto
  • Marisilvia Donadelli
  • Matheus Costa Reis
  • Miguel Alves Gallo Pereira
  • Murilo Santana Rangel
  • Patricia Rebello Teles
  • Pedro Alípio
  • Raphael Gomes De Souza
  • Rogerio Rosenfeld
  • Sergio Duarte
  • Thiago Rafael Fernandez Perez Tomei
  • Victor Goncalves
  • Walter Alda Junior
  • Yara Do Amaral Coutinho
  • Érison Rocha
  • Wednesday 21 July
    • Workshop Overview
      • 1
        Workshop Overview
        Speakers: Antonio Vilela Pereira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Carsten Hensel (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR)), Clemencia Mora Herrera (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Gustavo Gil Da Silveira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Helena Brandao Malbouisson (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
    • Introduction to ILCSoft

    • 12:00
      Lunch Break
    • How to start contributing to ILC? Lowering the threshold
      • 2
        My Very First ILC Plot

        This contribution is meant as a review of what was discussed during last month's DELPHES/miniDST tutorial.

        Speaker: Carsten Hensel (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR))
      • 3
        BCLC - Discussion Warm-up

        The BCLC so far exists only as a rather fuzzy idea. This discussion is meant to collect what your interests are and how we could sharpen the profile of BCLC in the future.

        Speakers: Antonio Vilela Pereira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Carsten Hensel (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR)), Clemencia Mora Herrera (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Gustavo Gil Da Silveira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Helena Brandao Malbouisson (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
      • 4
        BCLC - Resources and Requirements

        What do we need to contribute to ILC studies and what do we have available.
        We would like to take inventory of possible ILC resources that are currently available in Brazil.

  • Thursday 22 July
    • Workshop Opening
      • 5
        Speakers: Antonio Vilela Pereira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Carsten Hensel (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR)), Clemencia Mora Herrera (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Gustavo Gil Da Silveira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)), Helena Brandao Malbouisson (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
      • 6
        ILC - Status and Plans (title tbc)
        Speaker: Prof. Hitoshi Murayama
    • Contributions from South America
      • 7
        Simulation of electromagnetic showers in calorimeters with generative adversarial networks

        Detector simulation and particle reconstruction consumes a significant amount of processing time for high-complex particle collisions, such that performed at the Large Hadron Collider. In general, the time per event in Geant4-based simulations with CPU can be highly improved with an approach based on machine learning framework. In this work we employ CaloGAN, a tool comprised of a generative adversarial network (GAN) to simulate the electromagnetic shower of pions, positions, and photons. Such framework can accomplished reduced processing time like 2 to 3 orders of magnitude faster than typical CPU simulation and up to 5 orders of magnitude faster with the use of GPU. This presentation will show an adaptation of the electromagnetic calorimeter to describe the details of the CMS ECAL, provide the simulation of the electromagnetic showers in PbWO4 crystals, and discuss the shape of the energy deposit distributions obtained with the GAN in comparison to those produced with Geant4.

        Speaker: Gustavo Gil Da Silveira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
      • 8
        Axion-like Particles via photon-photon fusion @ILC

        "Prospects for measurements of axion-like particles (ALPs) produced via photon-photon fusion in e+e- collisions at the ILC will be presented. Exclusion limits can be reached in various regions of ALP mass versus ALP-photon coupling. ILC beams and detector considerations needed to achieve such results could be also discussed, as well as available MC generators allowing polarized beams. Plans for future collaboration among phenomenologists, theorists, and experimental researchers are expected."

        Speaker: Patricia Rebello Teles (Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF (BR))
      • 9
        Dark vector resonances at CLIC
        Speaker: Alfonso Zerwekh (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)
    • 11:15
      Coffee Break
    • BCLC Organization - Discussion
      • 10
        Workshop Photo

        Please make sure you have a working webcam so we can take a group photo.

      • 11
        BCLC Discussion

        This session is reserved for a discussion of the next steps of BCLC. Forming of working groups as well as possible next meetings/seminars are among the points that will be discussed.