22–27 Apr 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Geant4 Beginner course

A three-days-and-a-half Geant4 beginners' course will be held from April 22nd to 25th, organized by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN).

Geant4 is a software toolkit, written in C++, for simulating tracking of particles in the matter with the Monte Carlo approach. The software is developed and maintained by an international collaboration of scientists belonging to different institutions. Geant4 can be used for applications in high energy physics, astrophysics, medical physics, particle astrophysics and nuclear physics.

The lectures the Geant4 Course will cover the most critical aspects of the toolkit, from basic installation through advanced topics. Lectures will be complemented by hands-on practical sessions, in which the participants will progressively build a simplified Geant4-based application.

Participants are recommended to bring their own laptops.