27 February 2025 to 1 March 2025
京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Moodleはここまで使える!多様な業界のユニークな活用法 - Unleashing the Power of Moodle: Unique Use Cases Across Diverse Industries

Not scheduled
1号館 / Bldg. #1 (京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park)

1号館 / Bldg. #1

京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park

〒600-8813 京都市下京区中堂寺南町134 134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8813
商用講演 / Commercial Presentation


Mr 剛 (Tsuyoshi) 熊沢 (Kumazawa) (株式会社ヒューマンサイエンス)



Moodle is commonly known for its widespread use in universities, but its potential goes far beyond the realm of education. In fact, Moodle is utilized in medical device associations, airlines, mobile phone retail, life insurance, and the publishing industry, showcasing its versatility and reliability as a powerful system.The fact that Moodle is chosen by such a wide range of industries is a testament to its credibility and flexibility.In this session, we will introduce unique use cases of Moodle through examples from projects in which our company has been directly involved. Discover new possibilities for leveraging Moodle and experience its effectiveness firsthand!

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