MoodleMoot Japan 2025

1号館 / Bldg. #1 (京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park)

1号館 / Bldg. #1

京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park

〒600-8813 京都市下京区中堂寺南町134 134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8813
Andrew Obermeier オーバマイヤー・アンドリュー (Kyoto University of Education), Yoshikazu Asada (Jichi Medical University)
    • 13:00 18:00
      Workshops in English (Room C): English Workshop: Room C
      • 13:00
        Basic Moodle for absolute beginners 1h 30m

        This is a workshop for the first-time Moodler. Participants will be able to learn the basics of Moodle by working, hands-on with their own real, live, online Moodle site. The basics of the site, course contexts and categories will be explained before moving on to how to actually use Moodle for teaching. The workshop will be scaffolded using the SDCE (Static, Dynamic, Communicative, Explorative) model. Participants will first look at adding Static contents for students, for example providing slides and/or handouts for download as PDF or adding multimedia contents. Next, we will look at how to use Moodle’s more interactive (Dynamic) features like quizzes and the choice module. Following this will be a demonstration of using Moodle for Communication and collaboration between students, leading into students Exploring their world and sharing what they find with their classmates. The many challenges facing both the student and teacher will be discussed as well as general course planning strategies for the smooth adoption of e-learning with Moodle. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops, optionally with some materials (PDFs, PPTs etc.) that they may wish to make available to students via Moodle.

        Speaker: Adam Jenkins
      • 14:45
        Using Moodle for Creating Accessible Courses MoodleMoot2025 1h 30m

        “Creating an Environment in Which Everyone Can Read” became law in Japan in April 2024. Many educators are currently trying new ways to teach due to requests for reasonable accommodations”, known as gouritekihairyou (合理的配慮) in Japanese. While it may seem difficult to adjust a class to the needs of a few, there are some easy universal design changes that can be done via Moodle that will benefit all the students. In Japan, teachers estimate that a at least 8.8% in mainstream public elementary schools and junior high schools have difficulty with reading and writing (文部科学省 2023). But only 1.79% of all university students with any disability ask their institutions for help (日本学生支援機構 プレスリリース令和6年度 8 月 9 日). During the pandemic, the number of Japanese university students with learning difficulties being active learners grew each year: because online learning is the right medium for these students. As a person who also has dyslexia, I understand the hidden barriers well. In this presentation, I will show how you can check your own layouts and documents, to help you set your students up for greater success. In addition, we will look at the broader environment of the GIGA School developments. Please bring your devices and all questions are welcome.

        Speaker: Alexandra Burke (Shiga University)
      • 16:30
        Security and Updates/Upgrades with GIT 1h 30m

        With Moodle 4.5 LTS (Long-Term Support) now released, many will be planning their next upgrades. Being an LTS, Moodle 4.5 will receive general updates until October 2025 and security updates until October 2027. However, to take advantage of the LTS updates, it is necessary to regularly and frequently update your Moodle software. It is insufficient to install an LTS version and not update it regularly as this will result in security vulnerabilities and broken code not receiving necessary patches. This can be a tedious procedure, but it does not have to be a heavy burden. In this workshop, aimed at server administrators, participants will get hands on experience at using GIT to upgrade Moodle code in a way that requires just five commands to process updates (which should be done at least bimonthly), and with a few more commands, upgrade the Moodle to the next major version. In addition to managing the Moodle code, we will also look at plugin management and maintenance as well as the necessary step of taking a full backup of the Moodle site before attempting any updates or upgrades. Some considerations for webserver configuration for security will also be demonstrated. Time permitting, we will finish with a description of how the updating process can be simplified even further using scripts and/or Ansible to automate and even scale the process for multiple server environments.

        Speaker: Adam Jenkins
    • 13:00 18:00
      Workshops in English (Room G): English Workshop: Room G

      English workshops for Thursday the 27th

      • 13:00
        Moodlebox and Raspberry Pi for Testing Purposes 1h 30m

        This workshop teaches teachers how to use MoodleBox, a simple and secure offline testing tool that works with Raspberry Pi. In 90 minutes, participants will learn how to set up and use MoodleBox to create a testing environment without the internet. This helps students focus and prevents cheating.
        The workshop has three parts. First, participants will learn how to set up the hardware. Then, they will install the MoodleBox software. Finally, they will create tests and manage student access. The session includes hands-on activities and examples to make learning easy. It also explains how to fix common problems and gives tips for using MoodleBox in the classroom.
        By the end of the workshop, participants will know how to create their own offline testing system. This system is affordable, easy to use, and fair for all students. The workshop is perfect for teachers who want to improve their testing methods.

        Speaker: William White (Kindai University)
      • 14:45
        Creating Interactive Videos with H5P on Moodle 1h 30m

        This workshop provides a practical introduction to using H5P for creating interactive videos on Moodle. The session will guide participants through embedding quizzes, annotations, and prompts into videos to encourage active learning and support student understanding.

        The workshop begins with an overview of H5P’s features and its integration with Moodle. Participants will engage in hands-on activities, including adding videos, creating interactive elements, and fine-tuning settings to meet specific teaching goals. Practical tips for aligning video content with learning objectives and strategies for using Moodle’s analytics to track student engagement will also be covered.

        By the end of the session, participants will be able to create interactive videos and integrate them into their Moodle courses effectively.

        Speaker: Brendan Van Deusen
      • 16:30
        Video-based Assessments of Learning Performances 1h 30m

        Assessing student presentations and other performances can be made more reliable with video-recording and post-performance rating. Further, self-assessment and peer-assessment can aid in the learning process by students when using specific, easy-to-understand rubrics. This workshop gives hands-on training for teachers who want to do: a) simple video assessment with Moodle forums, and built-in Moodle video recording, or b) advanced rubric assessment with the video assessment module (VAM) using students’ own mobile phones. This plugin for video-recorded performance assessment tasks uses a free, open-source Moodle module developed by Sapporo Gakuin University. Teachers will learn how to set up and configure the modules, and also how to make grading criteria that students understand easily. When compared to paper rubrics, the VAM reduced teacher management time and students could use out-of-class time to assess asynchronously without time pressure. This study also showed that students can be trained to use online rubrics to score presentations efficiently, giving further validity for using and developing online modules for video assessment. For Moodle server engineers, this workshop teaches what server plugins to add (ffmpeg, for example) to reduce server load when handling large numbers of videos.

        Speaker: Dr Don Hinkelman (Sapporo Gakuin University)
    • 13:00 18:00
      日本語によるワークショップ (A会議室): 日本語によるワークショップ・会議室 A
      • 13:00
        Moodleの基本①(初心者ワークショップ) 1h 30m


        Speaker: Takahiro Kagoya
      • 14:45
        Moodleの基本②(中級者ワークショップ) 1h 30m


        Speaker: Takahiro Kagoya
      • 16:30
        Moodleを「学習履歴データベース」とみなした学習分析 1h 30m

        Moodleは一般的にはLMSとして考えることが多いでしょう。しかし、「学生や教員が利用した履歴が、時系列に沿って、1アクションずつ記録されている」というデータ保存の部分に目を向けるのであれば、「巨大な学習履歴データベース」と考えることもできます。実際、Moodleはその根幹に(活動モジュールではなく、MySQL等の)データベースを有しています。通常、このデータベースに直接アクセスすることはできませんが、プラグインであるAd-hoc database queriesやConfigurable Reportsを使うことでMoodle内部からでもデータに触れることが可能となります。本ワークショップでは、これらの機能を用いてMoodleから必要なデータを直接抽出し、学習分析に役立てることを扱ってみたいと思います。当然ながら、この場合にはMoodleの内部でどのようなデータが保存されているかを知る必要もあります。Moodle全体としてのデータ構造やその抽出のためのSQLについても、サンプルを交えてご紹介しつつ触れていただくことを考えています。

        Speaker: Yoshikazu Asada (Jichi Medical University)
    • 13:00 18:00
      日本語によるワークショップ (B会議室): 日本語によるワークショップ・会議室 B


      • 13:00
        Moodle入門編:「教師」の権限で実施できること・できないこと 1h 30m


        Speaker: Yoshikazu Asada (Jichi Medical University)
      • 14:45
        データベース・モジュールでWebアプリを作成しよう 1h 30m


        Speaker: Jun (準) Saito (斉藤) (Obihiro University of Agric. & Vet. Med. (帯広畜産大学))
    • 08:45 09:00
      General / 一般: 開会式・Opening Ceremony

      Miscellaneous things

    • 09:10 10:50
      A会議室・Room A: 授業実践と教材開発 / Practices and Materials in Classroom

      Presentations in Room A

      • 09:10
        Flip vs. Moodle's Video Assessment Tool for Performance Practice and Assessment 30m

        Flip is a mobile phone application that for many years was an easy-to-use way for students to exchange and comment on self-made videos. It was a powerful tool for self and peer assessment, which benefits student learning. However, in 2018, Flip was sold to Microsoft, lost many educational features, and eventually discontinued. This unfortunate commercial change drove a switch to an open-source Moodle tool, called 'Video Assessment Module', which excels at adding rubric assessment for self, peers, and teachers to video recordings of performances. Video assessment in Moodle has matured so that server load can be managed, even with large classes of students uploading videos from mobile phones using university WiFi.

        In this report, Flip and Moodle's Video Assessment Module (VAM) were used as speaking activity replacements in an on-demand EFL course in the 2024~25 school year. Mixed methods research found that students were generally satisfied with the course, but some issues were identified by the researchers and the participants. The biggest issue with the on-demand course was that Flip abruptly lost support and so Moodle's VAM Tool was implemented for the remainder of the semester. The two speaking tools will be compared in this presentation, along with a critical perspective on speaking assessment without video recordings.

        With these perspectives, the developers of the Video Assessment Module aim to completely rebuild the user interface so that video recordings in class of speaking practice or formal presentations can be easy-to-use, adopting some principles of the former Flipgrid application.

        Speakers: Mr David Hammett (Sapporo Gakuin University), Jr Koch
      • 09:45
        Enhancing Flipped Classroom Engagement with H5P Interactive Videos on Moodle 30m

        Using H5P technology within Moodle opens up new possibilities for creating interactive and engaging content that supports the flipped classroom model. This presentation focuses on how H5P’s interactive video feature can be used to promote student engagement and prepare them effectively for in-class activities. By incorporating quizzes, prompts, and other interactive elements into video lectures, educators can encourage students to engage with the material in meaningful ways before coming to class.

        This session is based on a case study carried out with an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class at a Japanese university. It examines the process of designing and implementing interactive videos aimed at laying the foundation for active learning in the classroom. The study highlights how these tools address challenges such as ensuring students complete pre-class preparation and tracking their progress. Evidence from student questionnaires, interviews, teacher observations, and Moodle access logs will demonstrate the positive outcomes of this approach, including improved engagement and readiness for in-class activities.

        The session will also touch on how Moodle’s analytics can provide valuable insights into student interaction with H5P content, helping educators to refine their teaching strategies. Participants will leave with practical tips and resources to begin incorporating H5P interactive videos into their own courses.

        Speaker: Mr Brendan Van Deusen (Saga University)
      • 10:20
        Supercharge your Moodle Courses with Learning Design 30m

        What is learning design and how different is it from the active learning approach recommended by the Japan Ministry of Education (MEXT)? This presentation shows how applying some learning theory to Moodle courses can make the student experience a lot richer. 

        In this 30-minute session, we’ll explore one or two examples, a learning theory and a metaphor to transform typical, dull, quiz questions into questions that can ignite student curiosity. We’ll showcase how to design questions that inspire curiosity and help students think, “That’s interesting!” instead of, “Do I have to learn this?”

        Expect practical, hands-on strategies to make your Moodle courses more engaging, memorable, and help students cope with the rapidly changing world. Ideal for educators, course designers, and Moodle administrators, this session combines theory, practical examples, and actionable insights you can implement today. Leave with the tools to enrich your courses and spark meaningful learning experiences for your students.

        Speaker: Doug Strable
    • 09:10 10:50
      B会議室・Room B (Friday): 授業実践と教材開発 / Practices and Materials in Classroom

      Presentations in Room B

      • 09:10
        帯広畜産大学におけるMoodleの利用: スペイン語コースの事例 30m

        2010年以降、帯広畜産大学 (以下、畜大) では学部生を対象にスペイン語コースが初めて導入された。畜大は、学生が基礎知識を習得できるよう、前期と後期にそれぞれ1コマを開講した。当初、非常勤講師1名がコース担当し、1クラスあたりの受講生数は25名に限定した。
        しかし、2012年以降、専任教員 (報告者) がスペイン語コース担当することになった。受講生数は4倍に増加し (100人)、前期に3クラス、後期に3クラス、年間合計6クラスを1人の教員が担当することになった。畜大は新たな非常勤講師を雇うことは考えず、コースの課題や試験などもすべて1人の教員が担当することになった。この問題を解決するため、スペイン語コースのMoodle化が決定された。

        Speaker: Isami Romero (帯広畜産大学)
      • 09:45
        Moodle-JupyterHub連携システムを活用したプログラミング教育の実践的授業運営について 30m

        東京情報大学総合情報学部では、2023年度および2024年度の2年間にわたり、1年生前期の必修科目「プログラミング入門」においてPythonを用いたプログラミング教育を実施している。この授業では、MoodleとJupyterHubを連携させた独自の学習支援システムを活用しており、このシステムは2022年のMoodle Mootで「LTIカスタムパラメータによる Moodle - JupyterHub 連携に関する研究」として発表したものである。このシステムを用いることで、学生はオンライン環境下でプログラミングの学習や課題の提出をスムーズに行うことが可能となり、授業の効率化に寄与している。本報告では、実際の授業でのシステム運用プロセスや具体的な活用事例を示すとともに、運用を通じて明らかになった課題と、それらに対する改善策について述べる。

        Speaker: 文一 井関 (東京情報大学総合情報学部)
      • 10:20
        初年次物理授業における数式や単位を含む解答を用いた小テストの利用 30m


        Speaker: Shigeo(茂雄) Fujimoto(藤本)
    • 09:10 10:50
      C会議室・Room C (Friday): Moodleのコミュニティ / Moodle Community

      Presentations in Room C

      • 09:10
        Why you should work with a Moodle Certified Partner 15m

        This session will focus on the significance of Moodle's Partner Program, a very important part of the Moodle ecosystem. It will also centre around how partners give back to the greater community, providing specific examples within Japan. Finally it will look at how attendees can benefit from a strong relationship with Moodle partners.

        Speaker: Max Espley (Moodle)
      • 09:30
        MoodleNet Japan--Current Status & Directions 15m

        MoodleNet is the global open courseware and OER sharing site, located at The Moodle Association of Japan now has a regional site called ‘MoodleNet Japan’ ( which has recently been upgraded. This local MoodleNet has evolved from the open courseware sharing site called the ‘Showcase’ which MAJ has maintained for fifteen years ( This lightning talk will explain how the Showcase and MoodleNet work together and the direction of future development. The officer managing MoodleNet, Martin Meadows, has prepared slides of about the recent upgrade of MoodleNet and his vision of the next stages of development. Don Hinkelman will summarize the direction of global OER (open educational resources) and how this might affect Moodle-based courseware. This includes the question of how commercial and open courseware can co-exist on Moodle.

        Speakers: Dr Don Hinkelman (Sapporo Gakuin University), Martin Meadows (Nayoro City University)
      • 09:45
        Free Time 35m
      • 10:20
        データベースモジュールを用いたレポート・課題採点ルーブリックの運用 30m


        Speaker: Yoshikazu Asada (Jichi Medical University)
    • 09:10 10:50
      G会議室・Room G: 機能開発, サイトおよびサーバ管理など / Moodle Development, Site and Server Administration, etc

      Presentations in Room G

      • 09:10
        Moodle4.1の小テストのコピーにおける問題と対処方法 30m


        Speaker: 正明 新村
      • 09:45
        LTI 1.3を用いたMoodleとプログラミング演習システムの連携機能の開発 30m

        我々は、JupyterHubをベースとし、科目ごとに固有の環境設定を提供しつつ、複数科目で同時利用可能なWeb型プログラミング演習システム「MCJ-CloudHub」(Multiple Course Jupyter-based Cloud Hub)を開発し、GitHub上で一般公開している。MCJ-CloudHubは、国立情報学研究所が提供している学認クラウドオンデマンド構築サービス(OCS)上で稼働するアプリケーション・テンプレートとして開発されている。本システムは、LTI 1.3を利用してMoodleと連携し、JupyterHubのユーザ認証は自動的に完了する。また、ユーザの属性情報、コース情報、及びコース参加者一覧をMoodleから取得する。取得した情報に基づき、JupyterHubへのアカウント登録やホームディレクトリ等の作成、科目ごとの共有フォルダ等の作成及びアクセス権限の設定が自動的に完了する。並びに、対象科目に応じた共有フォルダ、課題の配布・回収・採点機能を利用可能なJupyter環境が利用者に提供される。本発表では、連携機能の概要及び実装状況について報告する。

        Speaker: Tomoya Saito (Yamaguchi University)
      • 10:20
        LLMによるMoodle Quiz問題文言い換え生成システムの開発と評価 15m

        Moodle Quizでは,数値や語句のランダム化により,受験ごとに異なる問題を出題できる.しかし,学習者は,変化する部分をプレースホルダ変数と同定し,解答を得るアルゴリズムや公式を暗記して,異なる問題の差を吸収して機械的に回答することがある.より深い理解の達成には,数値のランダム化に加え,自然言語として等価で形の異なる言い換えを生成して出題することが,有効である可能性がある.
        この発表では,Moodle XML形式で与えられたQuestionの問題文を,大規模言語モデル(LLM)を用いて生成するシステムの開発を報告する.様々な問題に対して,得られた等価言い換えの個数や,成功率による評価を報告する.

        Speaker: AKIYOSHI DATE (Ryukoku University)
    • 11:00 11:55
      基調講演 / Keynote Lectures [Science Hall]

      Keynotes and plenaries in the Science Hall

      • 11:00
        Delivering the Moodle Product Vision 55m

        Join us for an exclusive glimpse into recent advancements in the delivery of Moodle’s product vision!

        Our unwavering focus on unlocking creativity, fostering collaboration, and optimising outcomes is driving significant progress and transforming the future of our platform.

        The presentation will include previews of what lies ahead and ways you can get involved in shaping Moodle’s future.

        Don’t miss this opportunity to witness firsthand the driving forces behind the evolution of Moodle!

        Speaker: Mrs Marie Achour (Moodle)
    • 12:00 12:25
      General / 一般: ベスト・オープンコースウェア賞について / MAJ Best Open Courseware Awards

      Miscellaneous things

    • 12:30 13:55
      General / 一般: ランチ・Lunch

      Miscellaneous things

    • 14:00 14:55
      基調講演 / Keynote Lectures [Science Hall]

      Keynotes and plenaries in the Science Hall

      • 14:00
        AIとMoodle: なぜ、どのように、何ができるか / AI and Moodle: why, how and what 55m

        このプレゼンテーションでは、AIとMoodleを組み合わせるアイデアを探求します。私たちは、なぜこの2つの技術を組み合わせたいのか、どのように組み合わせられるのか、これまでに何が達成されたのか、そして、今後どのような発展が期待できるのかについて考えます。「AI 」と「Generative AI」という用語を定義し、教育におけるこれらの技術の一般的な用途を確認した後、特にMoodleにどのような利益をもたらすことができるかに焦点を当てます。そして、私たちの愛するLMSの最新安定リリースであるMoodle 4.5に含まれるAIベースのツールを検証します。Moodleコア以外では、すでにAIベースの機能の要素を組み込んだプラグインがいくつかあり、これらの例をデモンストレーションします。最後に、私たちは未来に目を向け、この分野でどのような可能性が生まれつつあるのか、そして、私たちはどのように来るべきものに備えることができるのかを考えます。
        In this presentation, we explore the idea of combining AI and Moodle. We consider why we might want to combine these two technologies, learn about how it could be done, look at what has been achieved so far, and glimpse the developments we can look forward to in the future. After defining the terms "AI" and "Generative AI", and identifying some general uses for these technologies in education, we focus on how they could benefit Moodle in particular. We then examine the AI-based tools that are included in Moodle 4.5, which is the latest stable release of our beloved LMS. Outside of Moodle core, there are several plugins which already incorporate some element of AI-based functionality, and some examples of these are demonstrated. Finally, we look to the future and consider what possibilities are emerging in this area and how we can prepare for what is to come.

        Speaker: Gordon BATESON (Kochi University of Technology)
    • 15:05 16:50
      A会議室・Room A: 授業実践と教材開発 / Practices and Materials in Classroom

      Presentations in Room A

      • 15:05
        Setting Up a Question Bank in Moodle: Organizing for Success 30m

        Creating a well-organized question bank in Moodle is essential for effective teaching and assessment. This talk will guide you through the process of setting up a question bank that is easy to use and manage. The talk will focus on the importance of creating folders for each Unit or Topic, as well as for Midterms and Final tests. By organizing your questions into clear categories, you can save time, reduce stress, and ensure that your assessments align with your course structure. The talk will include practical tips on naming folders, naming questions, adding questions, and reusing them for quizzes and exams. Whether you are new to Moodle or looking to improve your current setup, this session will help you create a question bank that supports both teaching and learning. Join us to learn how to make your Moodle course more efficient and organized.

        Speaker: William White (Kindai University)
      • 15:40
        Creating an open-source four-skills English test for Moodle 30m

        This presentation will outline the development of a four-skills English test delivered via Moodle. The test features a large bank of questions that were generated automatically by ChatGPT. Examples of the prompts and tuning files used for question generation will be given, along with samples from the final bank of questions. Each question in the test is a actually a random question that selects a question at random from a specified question category. Thus, every student sees different but similar questions. The format of the questions are similar to TOEIC multiple choice questions. The prompts for the questions can be either an image, an audio clip or some printed text with pictures, tables and diagrams. In response, the students either select a single item from 4 possible responses, or input text or speak a suitable response. All questions are graded automatically, allowing the students to get immediate and personalized feedback to their answers. The test was adminstered to freshmen students at the end of their first year and compared to their TOEIC-Bridge scores. The results of this comparison will be presented in this presentation.

        Speaker: Gordon BATESON (Kochi University of Technology)
      • 16:15
        AI-Enhanced TOEIC Preparation with Word Reach Vocabulary Quizzes 15m

        As Moodle continues to be widely used for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teaching, the integration of AI in item creation is becoming increasingly relevant. This presentation explores how AI can streamline the development of high-quality quiz items, offering practical insights into its capabilities and limitations. Attendees will gain a clear understanding of the dos and don'ts when using AI tools for this purpose, ensuring ethical and effective implementation in their classrooms or programs. All items discussed in this session are contributed as open courseware and will be available for free download in the MAJ Showcase, further supporting the EFL teaching community.

        The Word Reach vocabulary quizzes are a pivotal component of the TOEIC Self-Study Program developed by Paul Daniels at the Kochi Institute of Technology. This program features a curated list of approximately 1,200 frequently appearing TOEIC words, organized into thematic quizzes to optimize language acquisition. Initially, quiz items were randomly selected; however, the current iteration presents a structured format, offering around 20 preselected vocabulary items per quiz using a vocabulary profiler. Each semester includes 15 quizzes across Lessons A and B, providing a robust and systematic approach to vocabulary enhancement.

        Speaker: Prof. Thomas Goetz (Hokusei Gakuen University)
    • 15:05 16:50
      B会議室・Room B (Friday): 学習データの分析と評価 / Learning Analytics and Evaluation

      Presentations in Room B

      • 15:05
        解答に応じて出題を決めるMoodleのSTACK問題とその受験結果の分析 30m

        QuizのSTACK問題タイプでは,ランダム問題への学生の解答の正誤や誤答数式に応じて,学生に対して,教員があらかじめPotential Response Treeで定めたフィードバックを行うことができる.しかし,解答の正誤や誤答数式に応じて,その学生に対する次の出題を決めることは,想定されていない.



        Speaker: Saburo Higuchi (Ryukoku University)
      • 15:40
        数式自動採点システムプラグインSTACKの解答データの分析方法 30m

        Moodleの問題タイププラグインの一つであるSTACK(System for Teaching Assessment using a Computer Algebra Kernel)では,解答として数式を入力し,その正誤評価を自動で行うことが可能である。数式で解答が入力されるため,様々な解答入力の可能性があるが,そのため,正誤評価だけでなく,入力された解答に応じた部分点評価も可能である。したがって,解答データを分析することで,受講者の能力に関する様々な評価を行うことが可能となる。本発表では,そのための解答データの分析方法について,現在,我々が行なっていることを紹介する。

        1. 解答の分類

        2. 解答履歴の分析

        3. 解答データの可視化

        Speaker: Yasuyuki Nakamura
      • 16:15
        2024 MAJ R&D の採択テーマに対する活動報告 30m






        Speakers: Mr Mitsuru UDAGAWA (Nagoya University), masumi kameda (Sanyo-Onoda City University (Up to March 2023))
    • 15:05 16:50
      C会議室・Room C (Friday): Moodleのコミュニティ / Moodle Community

      Presentations in Room C

      • 15:05
        Joining the Moodle Community 30m

        What would you do if Moodle HQ offered you the chance to work in the Moodle Community? As an English educator in Japan since 2001, I began working with Moodle in 2008 at my first university position. By February of 2025, I will be a full-time employee of Moodle LTD PTY working as a Moodle Community Coordinator. How did I get from there to here? In this presentation, I will detail the journey I have taken using Moodle over the years to show how this wonderful open source tool has shaped my teaching, my research, my development, and my love for education technology. I will share some of the highlights of the projects I've done using Moodle as well as the new roles and responsibilities I will be taking on in the new position. I hope to inspire your desire to contribute to the Moodle Community and support Moodle LMS.

        Speaker: Mr Thom(トム) Rawson(ローソン) (Nagasaki International University)
      • 15:40
        Moodle Community Funding: Project-based Development of Plugins and Core 1h

        The Moodle open educational ecosystem is unique in the power of its community-based development. Over one year ago, he global Product Advisory Group (PAG) began as part of the reform of This was followed by a soft release of the Community Funding Scheme to replace the Moodle Users Association funding of member-voted projects. Unfortunately, many universities found themselves unable or unmotivated to donate to the new funding scheme, yet willing to fund national associations that understand local needs and have not-for-profit status. In this roundtable, representatives from Germany, Austria, and Japan Moodle associations will be invited to share the plugin development projects that they are committed to maintain, and at the same time have identified critical core changes necessary for Moodle to keep up with rapid educational innovations and programming structural changes. One example of a core-change project is the Quiz/Question Bank project which is a consortium of several universities and operates outside of any association, but collaborates closely with HQ LMS management. Is this consortium a future model of community-based LMS development? Will associations focus on plug-in developemnt or find a role in funding core projects? These questions will be discussed and representatives of Moodle HQ, Brett and Marie, will be invited to ask and answers questions about their perspective into formalizing the role of national associations in the Moodle community.

        Speakers: Dr Don Hinkelman (Sapporo Gakuin University), Dr Harald Schnurbusch (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Dr Luca Bösch (Fachstelle Virtuelle Akademie)
    • 15:05 16:50
      G会議室・Room G: 機能開発, サイトおよびサーバ管理など / Moodle Development, Site and Server Administration, etc

      Presentations in Room G

      • 15:05
        Accessibility, AI Text, and Forum Functionality R&D Project Progress 30m

        This presentation is a progress report on three Moodle Association of Japan (MAJ) Research and Development (R&D) grant projects. This year, the release of funding for the MAJ R&D grants was significantly delayed resulting in the original schedules for the grant projects also being pushed back by several months. It is the intention of the researcher to give a report on progress made by the time of the 2025 moot, and then a more complete report in the following year. The three MAJ R&D projects covered in this presentation are: 1) Improving and Extending the Accessibility Plugin; 2) Incorporating AI into Moodle for grading Questions and Assignments; and 3) Additional functionality for forums. At the time of this writing, the Accessibility Plugin has already been released via the Moodle Plugins Directory, though an extended version is expected to be released before Moodlemoot 2025. This extended version would include additional widgets such as: focused modes that highlight the line of text/portion of the screen being examined; a magnify tool; line-spacing; kerning toggle; link highlighting; image hiding; and color overlays. The second and third projects will likely have code released on Github by Moodlemoot 2025, but not in the Moodle Plugins Directory. The second project will see the continued development of the AI Text question type plugin by Marcus Green. Finally, the third project aims to add the following functionality to the forum module: own post tracking; post rate limiting; a custom editor (recordings/photos); and participant tagging.

        Speaker: Adam Jenkins
        • Forum Plugin Improvements 10m
          Speaker: Adam Jenkins
        • Accessibility Plugin 10m
          Speaker: Adam Jenkins
        • AI Text Plugin 10m
          Speaker: Adam Jenkins
      • 15:40
        University-Wide Transition to Moodle and Evaluation of Faculty Support Activities During and After the First Semester Post-Implementation 30m

        This presentation outlines the process of transitioning the university-wide learning management system from Course Power to Moodle and evaluates the support activities provided to faculty and staff, focusing on two phases: the transition period and the end of the first semester following Moodle’s implementation. An analysis of Moodle usage in the first semester revealed that over 75% of the courses offered in that semester were utilizing Moodle. Our findings also showed that the use of basic features was comparable to that of Course Power. Additionally, faculty members were surveyed during the transition and immediately after the first semester post-implementation, and an analysis of response data showed that over 50% of respondents found each support activity useful. Our preliminary findings suggest that the gradual approach, time invested, diverse support activities, along with thorough discussions and close collaboration of relevant committee and working group members, contributed to a smooth, university-wide transition to Moodle.

        Speakers: Dr Miwako Hoshi (Fukuoka Jo Gakuin Nursing University), Mr Mathew Porter (Fukuoka Jo Gakuin Nursing University), Mr Kevin Weir (Fukuoka Women`s University)
      • 16:15
        メール通知件数監視用プラグインの開発 15m


        Speaker: Shinnosuke Yamaguchi
      • 16:35
        JavaScriptによるレッスン・モジュールの機能改善 15m

        レッスン・モジュールは,解説と問題を組み合わせて教材化し,問題への解答結果によって次に表示されるシナリオを分岐させることができるなど,通常の小テスト・モジュールにはないアダプティブな動作が可能である。しかしながら,設定インターフェースが複雑であり,また扱える問題タイプが限られるなど,必ずしも使いやすいとはいえない。最大の問題は,学習者が取り組んだ(受験した)問題シナリオを,学習者自身が後でレビューできないことである。そこで本研究では,JavaScriptを用いて,各受験のデータをデータベース・モジュールへと自動送信・蓄積し,学習者が受験後にふたたびレッスン・モジュールにアクセスした際に,レビューを表示可能にする方法を開発する。これにより,通常の小テスト・モジュールやH5PのBranching Scenarioとレッスン・モジュールとを比較して,その有効性や課題等を議論したい。

        Speaker: Jun (準) Saito (斉藤) (Obihiro University of Agric. & Vet. Med. (帯広畜産大学))
    • 17:00 18:00
      General / 一般: 年次総会 / AGM: Annual General Meeting [Science Hall]

      Miscellaneous things

    • 18:30 20:30
      General / 一般: Reception

      Miscellaneous things

    • 09:05 10:20
      A会議室・Room A: 授業実践と教材開発 / Practices and Materials in Classroom

      Presentations in Room A

      • 09:05
        Simplifying Moodle Course Creation with the mebis Design Plugin: Beautiful and Accessible Courses in Minutes 30m

        Creating structured, visually appealing, and accessible Moodle courses can be a daunting task for educators. This presentation introduces the innovative Tiny plugin developed by the mebis learning platform team, which revolutionizes course design by providing pre-designed design boxes integrated with avatars, work modes, and more. With this plugin, educators can effortlessly create stunning and barrier-free courses in just a few clicks. The intuitive interface allows users to insert preformatted boxes—such as tips, feedback, tasks, and scenarios—directly into their courses, ensuring clarity and structure from the start. These tools not only save time but also empower every educator, regardless of technical expertise, to design professional and engaging courses that are accessible to all learners. This session will provide a hands-on demonstration of the plugin’s features and explore how it fosters creativity while maintaining accessibility and efficiency. Attendees will leave inspired and equipped to create structured, inclusive, and visually appealing Moodle courses with ease.

        Speaker: Dunja Speckner
      • 09:40
        Making Language Learning Easier in Moodle: Using AI to Show Words in Your Own Language 30m

        Imagine learning a new language, like Japanese. You have flashcards with a Japanese word on one side and the English meaning on the other. This works fine if everyone in the class speaks English. But what if you have students from different countries? Or if you're teaching online and don't know where your students are from?

        This is where things get tricky. It's hard to find a single language that everyone understands. So, learners often end up with definitions in the language they're trying to learn, which can be confusing.

        This presentation shows how we can use AI to solve this problem. We created a system that translates word definitions into each student's own language. For example, a French student sees the definition in French, while a Japanese student sees it in Japanese.

        We've not only used this in flashcards but also in other tools within Moodle, like AI-powered feedback on speaking and writing. This helps learners understand their mistakes and improve faster.

        We believe this is a big step forward in making language learning more enjoyable and effective for everyone. We hope this idea can be used throughout Moodle to help more students learn languages successfully.

        Speaker: Mr Justin Hunt (Poodll)
    • 09:05 10:20
      B会議室・Room B (Saturday): 学習データの分析と評価 / Learning Analytics and Evaluation
      • 09:05
        ワークショップを用いた生物学実験のレポート評価 30m


        Speaker: Dr いづみ(Izumi) 中馬(Chuma) (帯広畜産大学)
      • 09:40
        学習分析のためのログデータに関する考察 30m


        Speaker: Yosuke Morimoto
    • 09:05 10:20
      C会議室・Room C (Saturday): 授業実践と教材開発 / Practices and Materials in Classroom

      Room C on Saturday

      • 09:05
        The Sachi Chronicles: a manga-based English language textbook goes online. 30m

        In this presentation, the production of a groundbreaking, new textbook: The Sachi Chronicles, its integration with Moodle, and an evaluation of its success in the classroom is documented. In the pursuit of acquiring and implementing practical, effective EFL course materials, it falls upon teachers to not only discern the approximate level of students’ linguistic development in the target language, but also what form of comprehensible input would likely appeal to their general interests. In Japan, manga continues to be a tremendously popular literary genre that attracts readers of all ages. It follows that employing a sequential or episodic story-line using manga in a course (assuming the story itself is well structured and compelling) will likewise generate curiosity and motivation. With these points in mind, a newly designed teaching resource for first-year university students that uses manga to tell the story of a high school girl in Japan and the struggles she must overcome as an English learner will be introduced. Next, the process and rationale for integrating the textbook with Moodle by setting up and testing out a course at will be outlined. Finally, the results of a mixed methods study which aims to assess the perceived effectiveness of this textbook and online resource in its pilot stage will be highlighted.

        Speaker: Larry Kimber
      • 09:40
        Integrating Extensive Reading Platforms: The Future of XReading, MReader, and Moodle Reader 40m

        Extensive reading has become a cornerstone of language learning, and the MReader quiz database has long supported teachers and students in setting goals and monitoring progress. This roundtable will explore the current and future collaboration between XReading, a subscription-based extensive reading platform, and Moodle Reader, a free resource that provides quiz-based assessments of students' reading. Both platforms rely on the MReader database for quiz access, so a collaborative working framework is essential. The session will begin with an introduction to XReading, highlighting its role in extensive reading pedagogy and a vision for its future development in collaboration with Moodle Reader. This will be followed by a technical overview of Moodle Reader’s back-end structure, including its reliance on the mReader API and considerations for improving integration with XReading. Finally, the discussion will focus on a classroom example of how XReading and Moodle Reader can be used together to create a cohesive reading program that incorporates both digital and paper books, maximizing student engagement and progress. The roundtable will conclude with an open discussion, allowing participants to share insights, raise questions, and discuss ideas about these tools' future development and practical applications in extensive reading programs.

        Speaker: Paul Goldberg
    • 09:05 10:20
      G会議室・Room G: 機能開発, サイトおよびサーバ管理など / Moodle Development, Site and Server Administration, etc

      Presentations in Room G

      • 09:05
        5 Ways Moodle Transformed Education in Sudan During Conflict 30m

        In times of conflict, such as the ongoing war in Sudan, education faces unprecedented challenges. Electronic learning (e-learning) has emerged as a lifeline, ensuring the continuity of education despite disruptions. Among the various tools, Moodle has played a pivotal role in Sudanese universities and schools, enabling remote teaching and learning. This presentation delves into the inspiring stories of Sudanese teachers and students who have demonstrated resilience and adaptability during the war. It explores how teachers utilized e-learning platforms to deliver lessons, foster engagement, and evaluate student performance in a virtual environment. Despite facing power outages, internet instability, and emotional stress, both educators and learners exhibited innovative strategies and determination to sustain education. This study not only sheds light on the effectiveness of e-learning in crisis settings but also serves as a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome adversity through technology and collaboration.

        Speaker: almonzer salah (Eduversity)
      • 09:40
        データベースモジュールのコメント通知プラグイン開発 15m

        Moodleの機能において、データベースモジュールや用語集では投稿に関してコメントを付ける機能はあるが、コメントに対する通知機能は存在していない。例えばデータベースモジュールを用いた日誌を作成し、学生の投稿に対して教員がコメントを残したとしても、学生は自分からその投稿を閲覧しない限り、コメントがついたかどうかを確認することはできない。この状況を改善するため、ローカルプラグインとして、コメントが付与された場合に元投稿を行ったユーザに通知を飛ばす機能を開発した。本プラグインは既にgithubでも公開しているが ( )、以下の観点から機能の追加・改善も必要である。(1)エントリの作者だけでなく、コメント作者にも通知が飛ぶようにする(2)誤投稿の場合に対応するため、通知発信までの猶予を(5分程度、決め打ちで)設ける(3)連続投稿された場合に、一定時間は通知が飛ばないようにする(4)wikiや問題バンクのコメントなど、類似の機構で対応可能なコメントへの展開

        Speaker: Yoshikazu Asada (Jichi Medical University)
      • 10:00
        Quiz(小テスト)にアニメーションを組み込んだ数学eラーニング 15m


        Speaker: 智恵子 菰田
    • 10:30 11:25
      基調講演 / Keynote Lectures [Science Hall]

      Keynotes and plenaries in the Science Hall

      • 10:30
        大規模Moodleの管理・運営にあたっての方策と課題:山口大学の事例から・Strategies and Challenges in Managing and Operating Large-Scale Moodle: Insights from Yamaguchi University 55m

        MoodleMoot2025の基調講演では、日本語演者として、山口大学の齊藤 智也先生より、大学でのMoodle管理運営に関する経緯や知見について、お話いただきます。 Moodleはオープンソースのソフトウェアとして公開されています。このため、管理・運営にあたっては(1)独自でサーバーを用意し、運営する(2)Moodle パートナーに支援を依頼する(3)Moodle Cloudを利用する などの方策が考えられます。 山口大学は上記の(1)のパターンで運用されており、プラグイン開発を通じたMoodleとKalturaの連携などにも着手されています。このような背景も踏まえて、Moodleを施設内で管理・運営していくにあたっての方策や生じうる課題などについて、ご自身の経験を踏まえてご紹介いただきます。

        This keynote lecture will feature Tomoya Saito from Yamaguchi University, who will share his experiences and insights on managing and operating Moodle at a large university. The presentation will be given in Japanese, with English subtitles. Moodle’s open-source software platform allows for various management and operational approaches, such as (1) setting up and operating servers independently, (2) seeking support from Moodle Partners, or (3) using Moodle Cloud. Yamaguchi University operates under the first approach, independently managing their servers. They have also undertaken initiatives such as integrating Moodle with Kaltura through plugin development. Drawing from this background, the presenter will discuss strategies for managing and operating Moodle in-house and the potential challenges involved, based on his own experiences.

        Speaker: Tomoya Saito (Yamaguchi University)
    • 11:30 11:55
      General / 一般: ベスト・イノベーション賞 / MAJ Best Innovation

      Miscellaneous things

    • 12:00 13:25
      General / 一般: ランチ・Lunch

      Miscellaneous things

    • 13:30 14:25
      基調講演 / Keynote Lectures [Science Hall]

      Keynotes and plenaries in the Science Hall

      • 13:30
        ムードルとAIサブシステムの未来 / Moodle and the Future of the AI Subsystem 55m

        Moodle 4.5のリリースにより、新しいムードルAIサブシステムが実装され、コミュニティ全体で利用できるようになりました。しかし、これはAIサブシステム・プロジェクトという長い旅の第一歩に過ぎません。AIを教育実践に活用すること、およびそれが学生にもたらすであろう潜在的な利点に教育界の大きな関心が集まるなか、AIがLMSにどのように用いられていくかが非常に大きなテーマとなっています。本講演では、教育ソリューション責任者の立場から、現段階での機能、将来のロードマップ、およびムードル本部によるAIアプローチの背後にある理念を紹介します。
        With the release of Moodle 4.5 the new Moodle AI subsystem is live and available for the community to use. But this was just the first step on a much longer journey that is the AI subsystem project. With the education sector’s great interest in applying AI to teaching and the potential benefits for students this may bring there is a huge interest in how this may apply to the LMS. Brett Dalton, Head of Educational Solutions, will be presenting the existing functionality, future roadmap, and the why behind Moodle HQ's approach to the AI in Moodle.

        Speaker: Brett Dalton (Moodle HQ)
    • 14:35 15:05
      A会議室・Room A: 学習データの分析と評価 / Learning Analytics and Evaluation

      Presentations in Room A

      • 14:35
        STACKとGeoGebraの連携によるラーニング・アナリティクスの応用としてのパフォーマンス評価の実現に向けて 30m


        Speaker: Jun (準) Saito (斉藤) (Obihiro University of Agric. & Vet. Med. (帯広畜産大学))
    • 14:35 15:05
      G会議室・Room G: 機能開発, サイトおよびサーバ管理など / Moodle Development, Site and Server Administration, etc

      Presentations in Room G

      • 14:35
        On the Security of Moodle Sites in Japan (or lack thereof) 30m

        Maintaining the security of a Moodle server has many aspects. From keeping the server operating system up to date and updating the PHP and backend SQL database software, to correctly and appropriately configuring the webserver and firewalls. On Moodle servers specifically, it is also necessary to ensure that the Moodle code is also current and up to date. On a correctly configured server, it should not be possible to see the Moodle version used in a given install. In this study, 126 Moodle installations were examined to learn about the state of Moodle server security in Japan, specifically, the Moodle software versions being used. The Moodle URLs were mostly sourced from the list of registered sites in Japan on that had links to the Moodle sites listed, with some additional sites being submitted directly by users. To assess the Moodle version, the /lib/upgrade.txt (or /lib/ on Moodle 4.5) files on each Moodle were accessed (returns a 404 error on a correctly configured server). Only 18 out of 126 servers (14.29%) returned a 404 error, with two more returning a 403 error. All 106 of the remaining servers were running outdated versions of Moodle with the majority being LTS releases that have been installed but not updated with the security updates that are what makes an LTS release beneficial. The results show an urgent need for administrators to be more diligent regarding Moodle updates, and Moodle server security in general.

        Speaker: Adam Jenkins