27 February 2025 to 1 March 2025
京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Not scheduled
1号館 / Bldg. #1 (京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park)

1号館 / Bldg. #1

京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park

〒600-8813 京都市下京区中堂寺南町134 134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8813
商用講演 / Commercial Presentation


Mr Almonzer Nooraldaim (Eduversity)


Amidst extraordinary uncertainty, Eduversity is helping higher education leaders build resilience, seize opportunities for growth, and discover new ways to differentiate their institutions. Colleges and universities are facing declining enrollment, financial instability, and prolonged educational disruptions.
The changing nature of the higher education industry demands a strategy that is inclusive, collaborative, and resilient. Eduversity helps today’s leaders stay competitive by navigating key trends in higher education, such as:
● A growing need for higher ed-employer collaboration. An estimated 1.3 billion
people have competencies misaligned with the work they perform, fueling a
rapidly growing skills mismatch across the globe.
● A shift in student expectations. Gen Z students are demanding to be treated as
customers and to realize value commensurate with the investment they’re
● New business and delivery models. Competency-based models, massive open
online courses (MOOCs), “boot camps,” and microcredentials are all emerging.
But shifting from in-person to online instruction—while maintaining quality—is not
a simple task.
● An expanding ecosystem. The corporate sector is increasingly involved in
academic programming, research programs, and apprenticeships.
Eduversity’s team has decades of experience helping public and private education institutions around the world to become more sustainable and resilient. We work shoulder to shoulder with clients during all stages of planning, enablement, and growth:
● Planning. We support leaders as they set a strategic direction, develop a roadmap for
growth, ensure racial equity and economic access, and discover new ways to
differentiate from competitors.
● Enablement. We offer new strategies to ensure maximum cost efficiency, improve
student outcomes, simplify administrative structures, streamline governance, and drive
effective fundraising.
● Growth. We ensure that institutions are leveraging cutting-edge technologies and
innovative solutions, launching new initiatives, and scaling up the most successful

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