This presentation will outline the development of a four-skills English test delivered via Moodle. The test features a large bank of questions that were generated automatically by ChatGPT. Examples of the prompts and tuning files used for question generation will be given, along with samples from the final bank of questions. Each question in the test is a actually a random question that selects a question at random from a specified question category. Thus, every student sees different but similar questions. The format of the questions are similar to TOEIC multiple choice questions. The prompts for the questions can be either an image, an audio clip or some printed text with pictures, tables and diagrams. In response, the students either select a single item from 4 possible responses, or input text or speak a suitable response. All questions are graded automatically, allowing the students to get immediate and personalized feedback to their answers. The test was adminstered to freshmen students at the end of their first year and compared to their TOEIC-Bridge scores. The results of this comparison will be presented in this presentation.
発表日の希望 / Preferred Day | いずれの日でも結構です / Either day is fine |
MAJ R&D Grant | いいえ |