This is a workshop for the first-time Moodler. Participants will be able to learn the basics of Moodle by working, hands-on with their own real, live, online Moodle site. The basics of the site, course contexts and categories will be explained before moving on to how to actually use Moodle for teaching. The workshop will be scaffolded using the SDCE (Static, Dynamic, Communicative, Explorative) model. Participants will first look at adding Static contents for students, for example providing slides and/or handouts for download as PDF or adding multimedia contents. Next, we will look at how to use Moodle’s more interactive (Dynamic) features like quizzes and the choice module. Following this will be a demonstration of using Moodle for Communication and collaboration between students, leading into students Exploring their world and sharing what they find with their classmates. The many challenges facing both the student and teacher will be discussed as well as general course planning strategies for the smooth adoption of e-learning with Moodle. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops, optionally with some materials (PDFs, PPTs etc.) that they may wish to make available to students via Moodle.
発表日の希望 / Preferred Day | いずれの日でも結構です / Either day is fine |
MAJ R&D Grant | いいえ |