27 February 2025 to 1 March 2025
京都リサーチパーク / Kyoto Research Park
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

2025年日本ムードルムート 発表募集
Call for Presentations at MoodleMoot Japan 2025

Moodleについて発表したいとお考えのさまざまな立場の方の発表を募集します。教員、学生、アドミニストレータ、プログラマ、思想家、理論家... Moodleを利用する方であればどなたでも大歓迎です。MoodleMoot参加者を対象に、Moodleに関わる実践例や、効果的な活用法について、ご発表ください。ちょっとした工夫やユニークな事例、そして失敗談も、これからMoodleを使い始めようと考えている方にとっては貴重な情報です(短時間の発表として、ライトニングトークの枠もあります)。ぜひ、Mootに参加されるみなさんからの多くのご発表申込みをお待ちしております。




  • 一般プレゼンテーション:発表時間30分 / アブストラクト375-500字
  • ライトニングトーク:発表時間15分 / アブストラクト180-500字
  • ワークショップ:発表時間90分 / アブストラクト375-500字


大会のほぼ全期間を通じて "Moodle HelpDesk" (Moodleの達人コーナー)も設置する予定です。もしあなたの熟達したMoodleの技や奥義を一般参加者に伝授する役回りをお引き受けいただけるようでしたら、MAJまでお知らせください。



  • 授業実践と教材開発
  • 学習データの分析と評価
  • 機能開発
  • サイトおよびサーバ管理
  • ムードルコミュニティ
  • その他



  1. 申込時に提出いただくアブストラクトは、制限文字数よりも少ないものや多いものは直ちに却下される場合がありますのでご注意ください。
  2. 共著者も協会ウェブサイトに登録し、かつ投稿者とともにMootに参加するよう最大限の努力をお願いいたします。Moot への参加登録をしていない著者は発表プログラムの中で「共著者」として掲載されない場合があります。
  3. 投稿は英語でも日本語でも結構です。アブストラクトもどちらの言語を選んでいただいても結構です。



発表の質を維持する観点から、一般(個人・団体)会員・参加者様につきましては、通常プレゼンテーション、ライトニングトークのそれぞれの区分ごとに、原則としてお一人につき一つまでのエントリーとさせていただきます。ただし、複数の投稿を完全に妨げるものではなく、査読審査により、特に高い評価が得られたものは複数エントリーが認められる場合もあります。MAJ の研究開発補助金に関する報告書を提出する場合は、この質問に「はい」と答え、補助金ごとに別の提出書類を作成してください。



  1. 発表は商業的宣伝と取られるような内容を含まないこと
  2. 営利団体から援助を受けた実践のような場合には公正で偏りの無い内容を心がけること
  3. 営利団体から直接の援助を受けての発表ではないこと






----- English Below -----

We are looking for Moodle users who would like to talk about their Moodle experiences. We would very much like teachers, students, administrators, programmers, thinkers, and theorists... anyone who uses Moodle, to inform the MoodleMoot participants about how they use Moodle and how to use Moodle effectively.

Presentation Types

Attendees are likely to consist of some experienced users, some who have been using Moodle for a year or so, and quite a few people who have never used Moodle. MoodleMoot presentations will be in both English and Japanese.

Types of presentations are as follows:

  • General presentations: 30 minutes / abstract 150-250 words
  • Lightning Talks: 15 minutes / abstract 75-250 words
  • Workshops: 90 minutes / abstract 150-250 words

However, depending on the number of participants and presenters, you may be asked to present in a shorter time slot and/or a different presentation type.

Are you a Moodle genius? There will also be a Moodle HelpDesk throughout most of the conference. If you are interested in sharing your skills and knowledge, please get in touch with MAJ.

Themes (Tracks)

Submissions that cover at least one of the following themes will be preferred. Please refer to "Scientific Program" for more details on the themes.

  • Practices and Materials in Classroom
  • Learning Analytics and Evaluation
  • Moodle Development
  • Site and Server Administration
  • Moodle Community
  • Others


General Notes

  1. All submissions must be within the specified word count. Please understand that any submissions that are too short or too long may be rejected. Please refer to this page for the submission length for each presentation type.
  2. All co-authors are strongly encouraged to register AND to present at the Moot. Any co-author who has not registered to attend the Moot may not be listed in the program as a "co-author".
  3. Submissions may be in English or Japanese. If accepted, you will be given the option of submitting a Japanese or English version of your abstract.

Restriction of Submission

Individual members and Institutional members

In the interests of quality, we’d like you to cooperate with our policy that, in principle, individual and institutional members can submit just ONE proposal for each type of presentation, that is to say you can submit a maximum of ONE regular presentation and/or ONE lightning talk. This restriction on presentation proposals is not meant to absolutely eliminate multiple submissions. Multiple submissions may have a chance to enter the program if they receive significantly higher ratings from reviewers. If you are submitting a report on a MAJ R&D grant, answer yes to that question and prepare a separate submission for each grant.

For group presentations, if you are listed as a co-presenter, i.e. not the main presenter, you are still eligible to submit different proposals as the main presenter. Also, there is no restriction on the number proposals for workshops or grant reports.

By submitting a proposal to this conference, you are agreeing to abide by the following 3 guidelines:

  1. To keep presentations free of commercial bias.
  2. To present content in a fair and unbiased manner if relevant financial relationships exist.
  3. To declare that you are not receiving direct payments from a commercial entity with respect to the educational activity about which you are presenting.


Sponsors are eligible for one to two regular presentation(s), lightning talks, and one to two workshop(s) and lunch presentations depending on the levels of sponsorship. See the sponsor brochure for details.

Eligibility for Commercial Presentations (all forms of presentations including lightning talks, workshops, and others) are limited to the current Sponsors of the Moodle Association of Japan, or those who will complete application procedure by the time of Moodle Moot.

How to Submit

We ask for your understanding and call for vigorous submissions. Thank you.

The call for abstracts is closed.