16–18 Feb 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Community-driven Moodle LMS Development: The Role and Operation of an R&D Committee

18 Feb 2024, 09:50
1101号室/Room 1101 (長崎国際大学1号館/NIU Building 1)

1101号室/Room 1101

長崎国際大学1号館/NIU Building 1

個人の発表 / Individual Presentation Moodleのコミュニティ / Moodle community 1101号室 / Room 1101


Hiroyuki Harada (JAEA/J-PARC)Mrs Marie Achour (Moodle)


Groups, consortia, and association around the world have been invited to self-organize and join a global Product Advisory Group and contribute to a community funding system. Marie Achour will summarize Moodle.org plans for this community replacement of the Moodle Users Association. In addition, Don Hinkelman will report on how a German-speaking PAG in Austria has been operating for over five years. This has inspired a Francophone PAG, a Spanish PAG, an Asian open university PAG, and a Moodle Association of Japan PAG. This MAJ Product Advisory Group will engage university institutions using Moodle through a Japanese language environment--especially universities who use Moodle and want to make a better LMS or build Japan-specific plugins for Moodle. Right now, over one hundred universities in Japan are using Moodle LMS and each is adapting Moodle independently on its own. By combining efforts with a community funding system & global PAG, we can prioritize our R&D money to make improvements that users in Japan need, want, and . Recently, Hiroyuki Harada and Don Hinkelman proposed the revival of a Japanese-language Moodle Association of Japan R&D Committee so that greater pariticipation institutional members is possible. The nickname of this R&D under the R&D Director could be called a "Japan PAG" with the following functions:
- That the institutional members of the Moodle Association of Japan
form a Product Advisory Group to list priorities for plugin
development and core changes that universities in Japan hold in
- That the Moodle Association of Japan officers explore
granting the decisions of domestic and global R&D funding to this
- That this group be comprised of one or more members from each
- That this Japanese PAG be listed as a benefit of
institutional membership That this group operate in Japanese language
in order to engage a wider range of university educators and
- That this group elect an international liaison-global
member for the Community LMS PAG organized by Moodle.org

Following the presentation in English and Japanese, Hiroyuki Harada will lead a discussion and answer questions about the operation of a new Japan PAG.

これは商業的な発表会なのか?/ Is this a commercial presentation? 非商用 / Non-commercial
発表日の希望 / Preferred day どちらの日でも結構です / Either day is fine
発表の種類 / Presentation type プレゼンテーション(40分)/ Presentation (40 mins)


Don Hinkelman (Sapporo Gakuin University) Hiroyuki Harada (JAEA/J-PARC) Mrs Marie Achour (Moodle)

Presentation materials