16–18 Feb 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Improving Vocabulary with Moodle

17 Feb 2024, 15:10
2104号室/Room 2104 (長崎国際大学2号館/NIU Building 2)

2104号室/Room 2104

長崎国際大学2号館/NIU Building 2

個人の発表 / Individual Presentation Moodleの機能開発 / Moodle development 2104号室 / Room 2104


Gordon BATESON (Kochi University of Technology)


This presentation will introduce the "Vocabulary activity" module for Moodle which has been developed to help Japanese university students study English vocabulary. The module accepts a wordlist from the teacher and then presents the words individually to the students in a series of interactive games. Every time a student interacts successfully with a word, their count for that word is incremented. When their count reaches the target specified by the teacher, they are considered to have mastered that word. After a student has mastered all the words in the wordlist, they have completed the activity.

The module comprises a dictionary which contains not only definitions, but also synonyms, antonyms and example sentences. All of this information is available at different CEFR levels, so that students receive input that matches their current level. Furthermore, translations of all the information is available and can be shown to the students if they request it.

After describing the motivation for this module and explaining its design and implementation, the presenter will show the current state of the module, including the viewing pages and input screens. Examples of the games will be shown, and participants will be invited to share comments and ask questions.

これは商業的な発表会なのか?/ Is this a commercial presentation? 非商用 / Non-commercial
発表日の希望 / Preferred day 2月17日(土)/ February 17 Saturday
発表の種類 / Presentation type プレゼンテーション(40分)/ Presentation (40 mins)


Gordon BATESON (Kochi University of Technology)

Presentation materials