16–18 Feb 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Integrating Vocabulary Learning Principles in Moodle

18 Feb 2024, 14:30
2102号室/Room 2102 (長崎国際大学2号館/NIU Building 2)

2102号室/Room 2102

長崎国際大学2号館/NIU Building 2

個人の発表 / Individual Presentation 授業でのMoodle利用 / Moodle classroom 2102号室 / Room 2102


Andrew Obermeier (Kyoto University of Education)


This presentation delineates the strategic integration of vocabulary learning principles within a Moodle-based course for Japanese university EFL learners, leveraging Moodle's distinctive features to enhance educational outcomes. Vocabulary frequency analysis serves as the cornerstone, guiding the selection of essential words to maximize relevance and utility. The course is structured around Nation's Four Strands framework (2007), ensuring a balanced blend of meaning-focused input and output, language-focused learning, and fluency development. This equilibrium is not merely theoretical; it is operationalized through Moodle's GIFT code to efficiently create content comprehension quizzes, which reinforce retrieval and contextual vocabulary learning. Nation and Webb's cognitive features of vocabulary learning (2015) are embedded within the course's fabric, with Moodle's affordances utilized fully; forums enable data-driven learning, offering personalized feedback that encourages noticing and creative language use. The Tiles course format is used to craft an aesthetically pleasing learning environment where photo-labeled sections resonate with thematic class content, enhancing motivation. These Moodle-specific functionalities are integral to the instructional design, ensuring that active engagement and long-term vocabulary retention. The course promises a profoundly engaging and cognitively rich learning experience for Japanese university students.

これは商業的な発表会なのか?/ Is this a commercial presentation? 非商用 / Non-commercial
発表日の希望 / Preferred day どちらの日でも結構です / Either day is fine
発表の種類 / Presentation type プレゼンテーション(40分)/ Presentation (40 mins)


Andrew Obermeier (Kyoto University of Education)

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