24–28 Sept 2017
Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Power spectrum and bispectrum in light mass Galileon

26 Sept 2017, 14:50
Kazimierz Dolny, Poland

Kazimierz Dolny, Poland

Dom Pracy Twórczej SDP ul. Małachowskiego 17 24-120 Kazimierz Dolny
Poster (preferred) Poster Session


Md. Wali Hossain (APCTP)


Cosmological perturbations along with the background cosmology, in light mass Galileon scenario, will be discussed. Light mass Galileon is a cubic Galileon model with potential and nonminimal coupling. Effects of the nonminimal coupling on power spectrum and bispectrum will be discussed.


Md. Wali Hossain (APCTP)

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