Particle Physics Day 2020

Henning Kirschenmann (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)), Mikko Voutilainen (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))

Annual meeting of the Particle Physics Division of the Finnish Physical Society

This is virtual meeting, but please register nevertheless.

Previous meetings linked from PP Division home pages and instructions to sign up to pp-findiv list:

    • 1
      Zoom room (full details in minutes)

      Henning Kirschenmann is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


      Topic: Particle Physics Day 2020

      Time: Nov 5, 2020 08:30 AM Helsinki


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      Meeting ID: 958 7318 0152

      Passcode: 057941

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      Meeting ID: 958 7318 0152

      Passcode: 057941


    • Morning session 1: Experiments
      Convener: Henning Kirschenmann (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
    • Morning session 2: Theory, cosmo and gravity
      Convener: Hannu Paukkunen (University of Jyväskylä)
    • Division meeting: Agenda

      1. Opening of the meeting, choosing the chair and secretary, and two persons for counting votes
      2. Accepting the agenda
      3. Choosing the board
      4. Activity of the division 2019-2020
      5. Meetings organized in Finland 2019-2020
      6. Meetings to be organized in Finland 2020-2021
      7. RECFA representative
      8. ECFA ECR representatives
      9. AOB
      10. Closing the meeting

      Convener: Mikko Voutilainen (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))

      Meeting of the Particle Physics Division of Finnish Physical Society



      1. Opening of the meeting, choosing the chair and secretary, and two persons for counting votes

      2. Accepting the agenda

      3. Choosing the board

      4. Activity of the division 2019-2020

      5. Meetings organized in Finland 2019-2020

      6. Meetings to be organized in Finland 2020-2021

      7. RECFA representative

      8. ECFA ECR representatives

      9. AOB

      10. Closing the meeting



      1. Chair: Mikko Voutilainen, secretary: Henning Kirschenmann, vote counting: Sami Räsänen and Hannu Paukkunen; minutes confirmation: Sami Räsänen and Hannu Paukkunen

      2. No additions; accepted

      3. Choosing the board

        1. Previous board members willing to continue:

          1. Assoc. Prof. Mikko Voutilainen (chair, Helsinki)

          2. Doc. Sami Räsänen (Jyväskylä)

          3. Dr. Henning Kirschenmann (Helsinki)

          4. Doc. Hannu Paukkunen (Jyväskylä)

          5. (Venus Keus resigned during the previous term, not available for renewal)

        2. Kenneth Österberg proposes Aleksi Vuorinen (just left the board previous year, not present)

        3. Eija Tuominen proposes Katri Huitu (was member and chair in the past)

        4. Mikko Voutilainen proposes Eija Tuominen → ready to serve

        5. Intention to ask Panja Luukka for possibly joining next year

        6. Confirming the board, adding Eija Tuominen

      4. Activity of the division 2019-2020

        1. Particle physics day and the meeting of the division, 7.11.2019, Hotel Arthur, Helsinki, 

      5. Meetings organized in Finland 2019-2020

        1. COST action meeting of VBSCAN in February 2020 19-21 February 2020 

        2. NuPECC meeting in Jyväskylä 15 Oct - 16 Oct 

      6. Meetings to be organized in Finland 2020-2021

        1. Next particle physics day in late October/early November (avoid overlap with syysloma/autumn school break)

          1. Tentatively in Jyväskylä

      7. RECFA representative

        1. Current representative: Kati Lassila-Perini, third year


          2. Newsletters archived there, e.g. 

          3. Some travel involved, usually, but all remote now. Plenary ECFA meetings are open, will take place next week (?)

          4. Willing to continue for another term

          5. Confirmed by the division meeting. Mikko Voutilainen will confirm nomination

      8. ECFA ECR representatives

        1. Panel should have an advisory role, report to ECFA on a regular basis. Up to three members per member country. Term is for two years, renewable (for a second term?). Target group: PhD-student and/or Postdoc

        2. Nominees:

          1. Henning Kirschenmann (postdoc)

          2. Heikki Mäntysaari (postdoc)

          3. Laura Martikainen (not present, PhD) => Mikko: Laura accepts 

        3. Good custom to have national-level “ECR boards” that can in the future take care of preparing nominations

        4. Tuomas Lappi proposes the division board to go ahead with the list of nominees and nominate a replacement candidate, in case Laura Martikainen is not available to serve

          1. Confirmed by the division meeting. Mikko Voutilainen will confirm nomination.

      9. AOB

        1. None

      10.  Closing the meeting