I will discuss how scaling exponents in quantum gravity can be defined for diffeomorphism invariant operators. I will the report recent progress on the computation of the exponents using the essential renormalisation group.
We extend the recently introduced single-boson exchange (SBE) formulation to the computation of the self-energy from the Schwinger-Dyson equation. In particular, we derive its general expression both in diagrammatic and in physical channels and show that the SBE formulation of the Schwinger-Dyson equation can be naturally applied also to non-local interactions. We furthermore discuss its...
Using RG methods, I study the UV conformal window of weakly coupled gauge theories weakly with matter. Using beta functions up to four-loop in perturbation theory, I discuss results for fixed points and scaling dimensions as power series in a small Veneziano parameter. Particular emphasis is put on the mechanism resonsible for the end of the conformal window, and a competition between the loss...