The non-commutative AKSZ construction

16 Sept 2024, 15:45


Hotel Les Sources Chemin du Vernex 9 1865 Les Diablerets Switzerland


Sarah Scherotzke (University of Luxembourg)


We can construct oriented topological extended field theories using the AKSZ construction in derived algebraic geometry. This was first suggested by Panted-Toen-Vaque-Vezzosi and accomplished by Calaque-Hausend-Scheimbaur. The AKSZ construction is a version of the classical AKSZ filed theories in physic. In [CHS] it is given as a symmetric monoidal functor from a higher category of oriented stacks to a higher category of symplectic stacks. We will give a non-commutative version of this construction, which associates to every finite dg category a symmetric monoidal functor with target a higher category of n-Calabi-Yau categories, refining the commutative version of the AKSZ construction.

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