11–14 May 2023
EPFL Campus Biotech Innovation Park
Europe/Zurich timezone
Registration for the hackathon will open soon! Subscribe to our news letter and stay tuned ;)

Topics of Interest



Quantum Science 
and Education 

 More to come soon!

  • Quantum Science Shows
  • Quantum Hands-on Experiments
  • Quantum Games



Quantum Science
and Art

More to come soon!

hint: How art and  Quantum Science connect




Quantum Technologies
for Healthcare

More to come soon!

hint: Exploring quantum computing use cases for healthcare



Quantum Technologies
for Climate Change

More to come soon!

hint: The potential to drive the major breakthroughs needed to help solve the climate crisis



Quantum Communication and Security Awareness

More to come soon!

hint: Cybersecurity awareness should include an awareness of the impact quantum developments will have on the security of our communications and data.



Open space to eXplore radical ideas and unknown unknowns.