Maria Pia Di Mauro is Staff Researcher Astronomer at INAF-National institute of Astrophysics in Rome with main interests in stellar physics and application of asteroseismology, the study of small resonant pulsations, to improve our understanding of the internal structure and dynamics of the stars and infer the properties of the hosted exoplanets.
Actively involved in the community-wide exploitation of seismic data provided by photometric missions such as Kepler and TESS, she is the actual IAU elected member and secretary of the Commission G4 - Pulsating Stars, while between 2005-2010 she was PI for INAF of HELAS (the European Network in Helio- and Asteroseismology) FP6-Coordination Action, aimed at coordinating activities among European institutions that host main research group in helio- and asteroseismology.
PI of the INAF Asteroseismology group, an interdisciplinary team combining experts in stellar evolution, stellar seismology and stellar spectroscopy, she has been recently awarded by an INAF 'Theory grant', to develop 'Synergic tools for characterizing solar-like stars and habitability conditions of exoplanets'.

Aline Vidotto is an Associate Professor at the Observatory of Leiden University. Her research group studies the interaction of exoplanets with their host stars, and how these interactions can affect planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres. One of her favourite activities is eating chocolate and hopes to have ample opportunity for that during this school.

James Owen is a theorist focusing on understanding and explaining observations. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London, leading the ERC-funded “PEVAP” project, which focuses on new simulations of atmospheric escape. He has worked on accretion disc physics, planet formation, the evolution of planetary atmospheres and exoplanet demographics.