9–13 Sept 2019
University of Geneva A100 Sciences II
Europe/Zurich timezone

New light on the Sun: Updates on helioseismology and the Solar modelling problem

12 Sept 2019, 15:20


Gaël Buldgen (Université de Genève)


The Sun holds a special place in stellar astrophysics, we use it as reference for the determination of the chemical abundances of all stars in the Milky Way. Since 1962, the field of helioseismology has provided unprecedented ways of testing the internal structure of solar models. Soon after the discovery of neutrino-oscillation and the end of the solar neutrino problem, the revision of the solar abundances by Asplund and collaborators lead to strong disagreements between solar standard models and helioseismic inferences. This now 15 year old tedious issue is called the solar modelling problem and crystallizes the strong dependencies of stellar models on fundamental physics. In this talk, I will present the current state of solar modelling,the current questions surrounding the solar abundances and how new seismic inferences can help shed new light on the limitations of solar models and possible solutions to the solar modelling problem.


Gaël Buldgen (Université de Genève)


Dr Patrick Eggenberger (Université de Genève) Dr Sébastien Salmon (Université de Liège) Prof. Arlette Noels (Université de Liège)

Presentation materials