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17–21 Mar 2019
Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Echelle++, a Fast Generic Spectrum Simulator

Not scheduled
Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland

Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland

Dorfstrasse 168, 3818 Grindelwald Switzerland
Poster From raw spectra to EPRV: RV pipelines


Julian Stuermer (University of Chicago)


We present the software package Echelle++, an open-source C++ code to simulate realistic raw spectra based on the Zemax model of any spectrograph, with a particular emphasis on cross-dispersed Échelle spectrographs.
Echelle++ generates realistic spectra of astronomical and calibration sources, with accurate representation of optical aberrations, the shape of the point-spread function, detector characteristics, and photon noise. It produces high-fidelity spectra fast, a very important feature when testing data reduction pipelines with a large set of different input spectra, when making critical choices about order spacing in the design phase of the instrument, or while aligning the spectrograph during construction.
Echelle++ also works with low-resolution, low signal-to-noise, multi-object, IFU, or long-slit spectra, for simulating a wide array of spectrographs. We chose to initially generate our own spectrograph model from the optical prescription in Zemax. Echelle++ can then be used independently, without access to commercial ray tracing software.


Julian Stuermer (University of Chicago) Prof. Andreas Seifahrt (The University of Chicago) Mr Zachary Robertson (University of Chicago) Prof. Jacob Bean (The University of Chicago) Dr Christian Schwab (Macquarie University)

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