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- Indico Weeks View
Discussion regarding the physics and detector design for the Forward Physics Facility at the LHC.
Action items from the discussion
March 16-18 NF frontier workshop. Jonathan and MVD will request time for talks from the conveners.
-- CERN documentation has two components (very approximate summary from Albert De Roeck)
-- Nov. 2022 appears to be quite aggressive, however some organizational effort needs to start now.
-- Any support needed from the Neutrino Platform requires a document to be presented to the SPSC.
-- A preCDr could be called a letter of intent. This would need to be presented to the LHCC.
-- CERN FPF hall space requirements
-- an informal technical team needs to be assembled to evaluate the space requirements.
-- M. Bishai will provide details of MicroBoone cryostat dimensions and insulation.
-- Need to get similar detail for ICARUS.
-- Dmitri: D0 cryostat was 10 cm thick. This was enough with vacuum insulation.
--- with a 10 cm insulation we can obtain a TPC active dimension of ~ 3 m x 3 m x 9 m . Providing a 1 meter
buffer around the inner fiducial volume of 1 x 1 meter.
-- Need an engineering evaluation of such a device can be installed and tested underground.
-- BNL team will get together week of Feb 21 to discuss space charge.
-- If the detector has to be enlarged it will require multiple gaps to deal with space charge if we want to
maintain microboone or ICARUS level space charge distortion.
-- Dedicated communication/meeting needed to get a list of simulation studies with focus on
-- Kinematics of neutrino interactions
-- Muon detection
-- event containment.