Pseudo-complex general relativity and the slow-rotation approximation for neutron stars

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G. Volkmer (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil)


Pseudo-complex General Relativity is an algebraic extension of the standard theory of gravitation that relies on pseudo-complex numbers in order to get new metric degrees of freedom. The pseudo-complex formalism has an extra contribution to the Einstein equations with a repulsive character that has been called dark energy. This dark energy is relevant only when intense gravitational fields are present, therefore neutron stars are an interesting environment to test predictions. Since all neutron stars rotate, it follows that a complete account of the implications of Pseudo-complex General Relativity for compact stars should discuss rotation. In this work we analyze the impact of the pseudo-complex formalism in different physical quantities using the slow-rotation approximation for relativistic stars.


G. Volkmer (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil)

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