Eclipsing binaries stars in the Bulge Galactic direction with OGLE and MACHO data

Not scheduled


Estefany Urday (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria)


The OGLE catalogue contains position and photometry information in the I band of 200000 variable stars in the direction of Bulge Galactic. Another project, MACHO, scanned the same region obtaining information from millions of variable stars but in bands b and r. We chose the OGLE fields that were intercepted with the MACHO fields and we calculated the light curves of the stars contained in the first catalog, from which we selected only the eclipsing binaries. Using the positions of both catalogs, we calculate the possible counterparts of the OGLE eclipsing binaries in the MACHO catalog and use the periods to finally deduce which were the counterparts. We obtained approximately 5400 eclipse binaries from OGLE with counterparts in the MACHO catalog. We hope to obtain preliminary information about the characteristics of these systems from the light curves of this type of objects in three bands.


Estefany Urday (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria) Julio Tello (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria)

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