A survey of the challenges in solving the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation with spin dof, within an approach able to be played directly in Minokowski space, is presented. The interesting features of the light-front distributions for both two-fermion and fermion-scalar bound systems are discussed in view of possible correlations with the underlying dynamical interaction.
We shall report on the model building of the pion GPD, within the DGLAP kinematic region, through the overlap of light-front wave functions. The wave functions can be modelled on the basis of the so-called Nakanishi representation and brought to make contact with realistic solutions of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Then, we will capitalise on a new type of process-independent QCD charge to...
The extraction of spectral functions from Euclidean correlator data, simulated non-perturbatively at finite temperature, using first principles lattice QCD is a central challenge of modern high energy nuclear physics. In this talk I will first discuss different theoretical approaches, currently deployed to attack this problem, before showcasing recent progress and outstanding challenges in the...
We calculate the onshell 2 → 2 scattering amplitude in a scalar model to exemplify the use of contour deformations when solving Lorentz-invariant integral equations. The integrals produce branch cuts in the complex plane of the integrand which prohibit a naive Euclidean integration path. By employing contour deformations, we can also access the kinematical regions associated with the...