Local formulations of QFT imply that gauge theory correlators can potentially contain generalised infrared poles. In this talk I will outline the theoretical significance of these components, and report on recent lattice fit results for the gluon propagator.
The inability to distinguish inertial coordinate systems by measuring
quantum observables implies that equivalent states in different
inertial coordinate systems are related by a unitary representation of
the Poincar\'e group on the Hilbert space of the quantum theory.
These representations can be decomposed into a direct integral of
irreducible representations. This decomposition is...
I discuss results of a recent study on the analytic structure of the quark propagator in Minkowski space. The analytic structure of the quark propagator in Minkowski space is more complex than in Euclidean space due to the possible existence of poles and branch cuts at timelike momenta. Here I discuss a computational method based on the spectral representation of the propagator. The method...
Given any effective Hamiltonian possessing the mechanism of spontaneous chiral symmetry it can be mapped to an equivalent problem of several interacting spins, by means of a Bravyi-Kitaev transformation. Jordan-Wigner transformations are also discussed.
The resulting Hamiltonian is on a suitable form to be implemented on a digital quantum computer, where spins are mapped into qubits. We...