26–28 Sept 2018
Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Imprints of a neutron star's history on its magnetic field

26 Sept 2018, 17:10
Room E10A

Room E10A


Dr Samuel Lander (CAMK, Warsaw)


Because a neutron star's magnetic field is likely to evolve
very slowly, present-day magnetic fields will bear imprints of the
star's early life. In particular, for stronger magnetic fields the star
will achieve hydromagnetic equilibrium whilst still in the proto-neutron
star phase, meaning that finite-temperature effects should be accounted
for. Slightly later, the crust (and pasta regions) begins to form and
the core protons condense into a superconducting state, again affecting
the magnetic-field distribution of the star. We discuss how better
modelling of the (macroscopic) magnetic field of a mature neutron star
thus depends on microphysics from shortly after its birth.


Dr Samuel Lander (CAMK, Warsaw)

Presentation materials