26–28 Sept 2018
Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

The role of mass, equation of state and superfluid reservoir in pulsar glitches

27 Sept 2018, 09:50
Room E10A

Room E10A


Mr Alessandro Montoli (Università degli Studi di Milano & INFN)


In the interior of a mature neutron star, the differential rotation of the neutron superfluid star with respect to the normal component allows to store angular momentum, which is released during a pulsar glitch. Recent preliminary studies show how it is in principle possible to estimate pulsar masses from observations related to their timing properties. In this talk we will present a generalisation of a previous model for the stratified reservoir of a neutron star when describing glitches, by examining the possibility of different extensions of the $S$-wave superfluid domain. In particular, we study the dependence of the glitcher's mass inferred within this model on the still uncertain extension of the region in which the $^1 S_0$ neutron pairing gap is big enough to allow for superfluity. Hence, we can quantify the general expected trend that to a smaller extension of the $^1 S_0$ pairing channel's region should correspond a smaller mass estimate. The employment of different equations of state for the star matter does not affect the general tendency described above: future independent estimates of masses of a couple of objects in our sample has the potential to calibrate our results and put indirect constraints on the microphysics of neutron stars.


Mr Alessandro Montoli (Università degli Studi di Milano & INFN)


Marco Antonelli (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences) pierre pizzochero (università di milano)

Presentation materials