26–28 Sept 2018
Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Transition and crustal properties in neutron stars

26 Sept 2018, 11:20
Room E10A

Room E10A


Claudia Gonzalez-Boquera (University of Barcelona)


The modelling of neutron stars requires the determination of the point of the transition between the core and the crust of the star. In this work, the core-crust transition is studied with finite-range nuclear interactions using the dynamical method for detecting the instability of the matter in the core against density perturbations. We analyze the correlation of the transition properties such as the density and pressure with the slope of the symmetry energy associated to the nuclear equation of state. Knowing the core-crust transition point for these finite-range forces, we compute the relation between the neutron star masses and radii, as well as the mass, thickness and moment of inertia of the neutron star crust.


Claudia Gonzalez-Boquera (University of Barcelona)


Presentation materials