Novel Approaches for Staggered Multigrid Algorithms

29 Jun 2017, 10:15


Evan Weinberg


Critical slowing down in the fermion sector is a leading obstacle facing the approach to the continuum in lattice gauge theory simulations. Adaptive multigrid ($\alpha$-MG) methods offer a solution to the resulting superlinear growth in the cost of iterative Krylov solves. Ongoing research has suggested that previously developed $\alpha$-MG methods, such as the successful formulation for Wilson-clover fermions, cannot be applied in a black-box fashion to other discretizations. In this talk I will expand on subtle issues offered by the staggered discretization. I will also discuss novel approaches that may sidestep these issues.

Title Novel Approaches for Staggered Multigrid Algorithms



Alexei Strelchenko (F) Dr Richard Brower (Boston University) Dr Kate Clark (NVIDIA)

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