V. Dexheimer
(Kent State University)
I will present a lecture about the modifications introduced in the
EOS of dense by the presence of strong magnetic fields. We know that
magnetic fields of up to 10^15 G have been measured on the surface of
neutron stars and a field of 10^16 have been measured somewhere inside a
neutron star. We speculate further that magnetic fields of more than 10^18
Gauss can exist in the center of massive stars. In this case, the equation
of state becomes anisotropic, presenting a larger component of the
pressure in the direction parallel to the magnetic field. Eventually, such
anisotropy is overturned by the pure field contribution to the pressure,
which is larger in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field and
turns the star oblate. Nevertheless, strong magnetic field corrections to
the EOS can change the macroscopic properties of stars. First, I will
introduce the magnetic field formalism in a relativistic Fermi gas,
followed by anomalous magnetic moment corrections, finite temperature,
numerical procedures and, finally, results for a more realistic model
within the context of general relativity.