LHC and Neutrino experiments
- Carlos Sandoval Usme (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Quantum entanglement is one of the most famous and strange phenomena observed in quantum systems. Going against classical intuition, entanglement and other correlation have been studied widely by researchers mainly in low-energy systems (eV - MeV). The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) provides a unique environment to test these quantum properties at the highest energy scales ever. This can be done...
This work is based on the study of the production of Higgs pairs decaying into bbtautau for high pT (boosted regime). Boosted HH produces highly collimated jets, which sometimes is an inconvenient since conventional methods to reconstruct jets might not be good enough to identify the content of these jets at all. Thus, we focus on the study of the substructure of jets and kinematic variables...
The presentation consists of the work done in the Atlas experiment related to the migration to release 22 of a tagger based on the Lund Jet Plane that allows to understand the jet evolution and to discriminate the process from which they come, taking into account the different regions of the plane. The objective is to compare the performance of this tagger for boosted W, Z (and eventually H)...
La charla tiene como objetivo mostrar el estudio de la estructura de los jets de partículas generados en el LHC para distintas interacciones.
Este estudio se realiza por medio del plano de Lund que es un método gráfico creado a partir de algoritmos de clustering de las señales detectadas luego de la colisión de protones en el acelerador. Posteriormente se realiza el declustering sobre los...
This work focuses on extrapolating the constraints for diHiggs (HH) within the future HL-LHC, specifically targeting the boosted VBF (Vector Boson Fusion) topology. This production mode, while having a lower production rate than ggF, is more sensitive to certain coupling modifiers such as κ₂V.
Previous studies using Run 2 data have shown that the boosted analysis is more sensitive to this...
Pileup mitigation is crucial for jet reconstruction and a crucial tool for improving many physical observables. This work uses graph neural networks and Topo-clusters information to create a classifier of pileup clusters in the ATLAS experiment.
There is no annihilation decay experimentally observed for the Bc meson to date. The Bc± → ϕK± decay can proceed via annihilation of anti-b and c quarks into a W intermediate boson or, alternatively, involving final-state rescattering effects. Observation of the Bc± → ϕK± decay will provide a new insight on the Bc meson properties and lead to a new independent determination of the Vcb element...