2–6 Dec 2024
America/Bogota timezone

New physics through polarized observables

Not scheduled


Alan Ignacio Hernandez (FESC-UNAM)


At the ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb collaborations, the study of polarizations of gauge bosons is of great interest. This work studies the effects of CP violation and complex anomalous couplings on polarized observables that can be observed at the LHC. In particular, pairs of gauge bosons in the final state are sensitive to these effects. We find that new left-right asymmetries can be defined, which are zero in the SM. Furthermore, some angular polarized observables are sensitive to the CP violation and are considered in this study.


Alan Ignacio Hernandez (FESC-UNAM) Ricardo Gaitan Lozano (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

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