2–6 Dec 2024
America/Bogota timezone

Baryogenesis and leptogenesis under minimal extension beyond the standard model.

Not scheduled


Isaac Mateo Garzón Muñoz (Universidad de Nariño)


In this study, we explore the formalisms of quantum field theory to understand the matter-antimatter asymmetry in a new physics scenario. According to the Sakharov conditions, we focus on CP symmetry violation and out-of-equilibrium dynamics.
In particular, we show the relevance of the one-loop radiative corrections in generating a net baryon number. To exemplify this mechanism, we study a simple model that explains baryogenesis and leptogenesis in the early universe by introducing a heavy scalar boson. Finally, we adjust the model parameters to satisfy the experimental and cosmological constraints.
As a supplement,  we also review the Boltzmann equation formalism in a very comprehensive way.


Isaac Mateo Garzón Muñoz (Universidad de Nariño)


Prof. Eduardo Rojas (Universidad de Nariño.)

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